Thursday, July 31, 2008

All done with kiddos...

Today I had my laaast kiddos of the summer. One cancelled on me, so I only had two today. I started the day with a little fishing at Turtle River. Nothing. Not even a bite. But the kiddo enjoyed it immensely! So that was good I guess. He had more helping me unsnag my line than anything I think. Also, he found some tadpoles and frogs. Then, I had kiddo #2. I had not eaten since breakfast when I picked up #2, and she said she had not eaten yet at all, so I "convinced her" to let me treat her to lunch since it was our last day together. She, of course, chose McDonald's, but oh well. Such is life. Then, we went for our one free bowling game of the day and then to the mall. Now I just get to sit and wait for volleyball to start. I am superdeeduper tired and may take a short snooze while I wait. Our friend JPJ is taking over for JJ tonight, so it should be interesting ; ). It's our last night... we'll see if we take home another shirt (I believe we already have three).

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