Saturday, September 24, 2011

One of these is not like the other one...

At M's Open House for Preschool, we were chatting with our Pastor (her school is at our Church!) and he asked if C is just like M was when she was a baby and that got us thinking about our kids' similarities and differences.  So at the risk of sounding like a middle school paper, let me take a minute to compare and contrast my beautiful babies.

How are they alike?  Let me count the ways.  Because they are limited.  (Disclaimer - this is their mother talking.)  They are both a-dorable babies.  They are both cuddlers (although M would sleep on people, or in bed with us (shhh!  Don't tell Uncle A!) much more than baby C.  When he's tired, he pretty much wants to be laid down.  Now.  They both love their strollers, going for walks, and being outside.  Praise God!  They both have also loved their carseats (YAY!) and are great travelers (YAY YAY!).  They both have had their stints as Poopetrators (although C seems to be to a somewhat lesser degree, though he certainly has his moments!).  They both have loved baths.  They have each had times that make me want to pull out my hair.  They both melt my heart and bring purpose and focus to my life.    

But I think the most lengthy right now are the differences.  C is still not sleeping through the night and I'm almost POSITIVE M was by the time I was back at work.  C is a paci (and bottle) man, while M refused both.  However, on a side note, she swears she DID need a paci when she was a baby and reveres them now.  :)  C is much quicker to smile than M was - she was a little more on the reserved, curious side.  C is such a lazy baby... put me on my tummy, fine... put me on my back... fine... I'll just hang out and fuss when I want something changed.  M was a mover and shaker from day one (really -- she was even more active in utero)!  Food is a huge difference as well.  M LOVED baby cereal and most every food available to her since then.  C just isn't a fan.  No thanks, guys.  He will be exited for the first bite, realize what it is and pretty much try every trick to not eat from that point on.  It is the same way with medicine, come to think of it.  **Ready for the funny M story of the day??**  Just the other day, JJ was giving M her meddies and she sighed contently and whispered sincerely under her breath, "I love this stuff."  For C, on the other hand, I have to use the baby medicine dropper thing AND a spoon to scoop everything back up because I KNOW it won't be staying in his mouth for any length of time if he has any choice in the matter.        

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Wheels on the Bus!

M has started school.  SUCH a big girl!  She has done so well with this big transition and I'm assuming things are going well.  I haven't gotten any phone calls yet anyways!  : )  I'll have to grill her teacher at Church.  Yes, I probably will be that Mom.  Maybe not quite to the point of one of my kiddos' parents, who had this to say the first time I met her: "I'm a helicopter mom, but I'm harmless."  I was a little worried by that statement, even with the bit of sugar at the end, but it couldn't be more true.  She is one of the sweetest ladies ever with her kiddo's best interests at heart.  ANYWAYS!

Every school day, M comes home with a sticker of what her job was for the day.  She's been a table washer, snack helper, flag holder, you name it.  I love this little conversation starter.  She's also brought home some really cool artwork, like a homemade "Chicka-chicka Boom Boom" tree, complete with letters cut out of a magazine.  It is WAY too cute!!  M has also had show and tell already (Oops - I was the Mom who forgot to send something her first turn...).  She decided on a cupcake out of her "Magic Princess Baking Set" from Grandma and Grandpa!

I don't know if this has to do with school time, or what, but M is also a little infatuated with buses.  She is scared to actually ride them, or the first time she saw one up close, but when we're driving in the mornings, she is on. the. lookout.  She's also started this hilarious thing.  So... with that... here's the

Funny M Story of the Day:
M has started awarding prizes for finding a bus.  I have no idea where she picked this up from.  I actually was probing her about where she heard it, and she got a little defensive and said, "M said it!!"  Monday, she declared, "If we see a bus we get TEN MINUTES!!!"  Maybe it's that whole rushing out the door that makes her value ten minutes?  Tuesday it was "50 MILLION DOLLARS!"  And today, when I saw a bus?  TWENTY DOLLARS! 

Hey, what happened to the millions??  Anyways, she just cracks me up all the stinking time.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Big Boy!

No, not the deliciousness that is a brown cow (you Bizzo-ites are following me right?).  I'm talking about my big boy!  The C-ster is a big six month old and had his big appointment today.  How many times can I use the word big?  Somebody get this girl a thesaurus! 

Ok, anyways!!  The results? 

Weight: 18 lb 2 oz --> 59th percentile
Height: 26.5 in --> 49th percentile
Head Circ: 43.5 cm --> 40th percentile

No vaccines, BUT a Rx for amoxicillin... and a diagnosis of a double ear infection.  Arrg...  Poor guy, he tugged on his ears a little bit, but was not super fussy - and when he was we assumed teeth (two more coming in on top!).

Funny M story of the day:
While I was talking to the doctor I set M up with some crayons and a coloring page (thanks to our wonderful and thoughtful daycare gal).  I was answering questions and estimating milk intake, hours of rest, you know just crunching the numbers, when Dr. W says, "Oh honey, let's not color there."  M had taken it upon herself to start coloring on the walls -- something she has never done before!  (Tables, YES, walls, no.)  Of COURSE why not start in public??  M got superduper embarrassed and started all out bawling.  Dr. W felt absolutely terrible, but I maintained that M a) needs to not be coloring on walls! and b) needs to be ok with being corrected - especially so kindly by any adult.  Sweet thing did eventually calm down.  When we talked about it later in the car, she said, "I was crying because I just REALLY wanted to color on the wall!"  Well, I guess at least she was honest!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


We hit up our very first Renaissance Festival a few weekends ago and had a blast!  One of JJ's med school buddies (J) and his wife (J) met us there... and actually paid for us too... nice guy!  Ok, so there were a few things I would've been ok with M (and C for that matter) not seeing, but for the most part it was pretty family friendly.  M rode on a super cool ride --- swings that were "operated" by boys walking in a circle turning big knobs.  So quaint!  JJ was an audience participator at a magic show, when the entertainer did "the human blockhead" and pounded a nail into his nose.  JJ was the guy who held onto the nail as he extracted it from his head.  Awesome.  We also HAD to hit up the joust, which was also pretty entertaining.  I'm not sure about the accuracy of one of the "knights" standing up on his horse and jumping down to give the guy the People's Elbow, but in the end "our" knight was victorious and fun was had by all!

One funny little story (because you know there always is one when toddlers are involved):
I thought this gal was a part of the Festival, but JJ thought she was just a spectator who happened to be in costume.  Nevertheless a gal came up to M and commented on her big smile.  Then she told a story about a sad dragon with tears streaming down its face (M can tell you the whole story...).  The only thing that could make the dragon happy was the smile of a little girl.  The tears were then saved, and they turned into precious stones.  At that point she gave M one of those little little smooth glossy pebble things that are used in fish tanks or for decoration in vases, etc.  M referred to it as her dragon (she may have gotten slightly confused with the story) and it became her biggest treasure ever.  Until she forgot about it about a half hour later.  Of course she remembered it as we were loading up back at the car -- there was NO way we were going to track this tiny little pebble down, so JJ and I thought quickly on our feet and decided that Dragon had flown on ahead of us and we would find him later.  We drove straight to a Michaels because Mommy was sure Dragon was shopping for a small gift for M, the girl with the big smile.  I wanted to buy a handful just in case we lost one again, but alas, they only came in bulk.  We now have 50 "dragons" in the event that one gets lost again (we have since used three!).    

Monday, September 19, 2011

Pee in a Cup

I didn't quite know how to label this post, so I'm just throwing it out there.

Tuesday evening our daycare gal texted mentioning that M was complaining of it hurting when she was going potty and M doing some itching.  Oh great!  I consulted with my personal doctor-to-be AKA Daddy, and he said it could be a UTI or possibly a yeast infection so it'd be a good idea to get it checked out.

We met up with our favorite NP, AM, who said that she wanted to rule out a UTI and requested that miss M pee in a cup.  Ok friends.  This may sound like a simple task.  Or maybe not for those of you with children or a bad personal experience?  BUT, FIRST OF ALL, M did not have to go potty.  I coaxed her with her sippy and we read and hung out.  She decided she wanted to try so I lugged C-man, three alcohol wipes, a pee cup, and a wide-eyed-with-anticipation toddler into the nearest restroom.  She thought the wipes were pretty cool, but Mommy sticking a cup under her, not so much.  She declared that she did NOT have to go.  It sure appeared that she was trying, so I decided to not force the issue.  We washed up and with slight embarrassment, let the nurse know that we hadn't quite peed in the cup yet. 

We went back to "our room" for some more water and stories.  The nurse set some more supplies on the counter, and about two seconds later M declared that she really had to go now!  Riiiight.  Those darn wipes were so appealing... I tried to have her wait a little bit more, but you know that the first rule of kids is that you don't mess around when they say they have to go potty.  At any rate, we did eventually end up back in the bathroom for a second strike.  After we walked back to our room with our tails between our legs, the nurse came by with a big surprise for the M-girl: an apple juice box.  WHAT?!  Apple juice is like liquid gold to miss thing.  She sucked it down and really, but this time C is just done with the whole experience, and I realize that I don't even have a diaper bag in the car.  Yikes!  A short while later, M declared that YES, this time she really did, in fact, NEED to use the restroom.  I got (I'll admit it) a little crabby and was like you BETTER be peeing in that cup woman.  Or else.  Something.

We get her bottom all re-sanitized, plunk her down on the potty, and she tries and tries but does not go.  I've just about had it but being crabby never really does solve anything, so I just admit defeat and toss the cup into the garbage.  At that very moment, I hear a tinkle.  In one fell swoop, I grab that container, shove it under M's bottom and catch about five seconds worth of pee stream, but seriously, it's the best we could do.  The nurses must've seen my harried expression because they declared that they could make it work!  I decided not to mention that this particular pee cup had been in the garbage.  It just wasn't worth it since the whole garbage was practically full of our garbage in the first place.

End of story?  M was prescribed meds for a yeast infection and Mom had a new story to blog about.  : ) hehe

Friday, September 16, 2011

Road Trip, Stop 9


To make a long, long trip story short, (TOO LATE!)  ; ) we planned on driving all the way from my family's house to our house.  The kids did awesome.  It was that pesky river that got in the way.  You know that one?  The one that flooded and wreaked havoc for lots of people?  Yeah that one.  It was flooded over I-94, so we took a detour, a VERY poorly marked detour I might add.  Instead of getting home at about 2, which was our ETA up until the detour... we got home at 5 am... GOOD TIMES!  The kiddos were such troopers, though.  M slept as long as I held her hand (and we did run out of her dipes, so for the last stretch, she wore one of baby C's!).