Tuesday, July 1, 2008


When I get in a For Sale mood, anything and everything goes. Josh has to be careful I don't take a picture of him because he might get sold as well. Actually, a coworker once was selling something, but accidently posted a picture of her three kids along with the description. I guess she got a ton of responses from people who said they'd take them!

But, why this post about selling stuff you ask? The PS2 is goooooooone! Someone wanted to buy it along with all of our games and equipment! We gave a pretty good price, but still got way more than if we would've sold it to Game Stop or something. I also sold a down comforter and two down pillows. I'm trying to sell my rollerblades -- size 8 -- anyone?? Anyone??


Lyz said...

Good for you! Now put that cash in savings!:)

JJ and EJ said...

Or put it in the pot for the MCAT and all of the med. school applications... These things are expensive! : )