Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My... uh.... her... uh....

Quite a few times now I've been referring to JJ in relation to MVJ in a conversation with someone who wouldn't necessarily know him/our family (i.e. the receptionist at the hospital).  Many times I feel totally awkward when I say either "Her Daddy" OR "My husband" because I want to be clear that they are the same person!  I think I only worry/think about this because of the many, many different types of families I work with.  I thought this only happened to me but I recently had a conversation with my friend CJ, and she said she's thought the same thing.  Does anyone else stumble over their words with this?  Maybe you have a good way out of this situation?  Like CJ said, usually the ring speaks for itself and can definitely help in clarifying.  I'm sure the person on the other end of the conversation is NOT thinking this much into it!!  : )

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall Volleyball

This fall league just wasn't our league. Our biggest problem was coordinating our teammates so we wouldn't have to forfeit each week (we did end up forfeiting one night when I had Open House and JJ was following a surgeon -- I completely forgot about volleyball that night!). At the end of the season we had NOT won a single game. We are a team that plays just for fun, but it was still a bit frustrating and uncharacteristic of our team. When the last night came, we bid adieu and hoped we'd meet up with our teammates even though we wouldn't have volleyball weekly. The worker, H, mentioned that the tournament was the next weekend. We explained that we hadn't won a single game and were sure we wouldn't be in the tournament. She said that everyone got to be in the tournament this year -- but it was single elimination.

We concentrated our efforts and made sure we had a full team for the following Thursday. When we got there we found out that not only was it single elimination, but it was a single game each time too! One game up to thirty, rally scoring. We played our first game -- we were determined to "bring it" this time! A bit to our surprise, we won! Second game. This team had the best record (and had a bye the first round). Oh, and about this time MVJ decided she was NOT content in her stroller and could only be comforted by DADDY (we had three girls and four boys -- so the boys were rotating out), so he was out of commission. When he came back from a quick diapey change in the car, he found out we had indeed won the second game as well! Game three. Duh duh duuuuuh. We played our little hearts out with MVJ screaming in the background as H, the worker briskly walking her around in the stroller so JJ could play. AND WE WON! Tourney champs with a record of 0-6. We have the BRIGHT ORANGE shirts to prove it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

On the Farm!

My Mom grew up on a farm in a very small farming community in the middle part of the state. As a kid I always loved going to visit Farm Grandma and Grandpa, although my Grandpa was in poor health almost from the time I was born, so I really didn't get to know the real him. On the farm, there were usually tons of people around (my Mom being #9 of 13 kids) and lots of outdoor adventures. We loved jumping on the haybales, playing tag. We loved watching the cows -- especially in the spring with all the new babies. We loved playing with the baby kitties and calling the cats for meal time "Here kitty, kitty, kitty!" We loved climbing trees and playing baseball. We enjoyed indoor time too -- playing card games and having slumber parties in the big rooms with tons of kids scattered here and there.

Last weekend I got to share this special place with MVJ. She met a few Great Aunts and Uncles for the first time (it's about time!) and got to see Grandma and Grandpa K again.. We were greeted at the door with a {gasp} "She's even more beautiful than in her pictures!" We found out there's a new little W (born THAT day!) -- my cousin A and his wife (... ahem... both doctors from Harvard Med. School...) had baby #3 - a boy - whom they named C because "it's a unique name". It's funny because I have met quite a few C's -- and JJ's Dad AND next older brother are both named C, but I suppose it is unique to this youngest generation.

Back to the farm... my little 2 1/2 year old cousin was quick to share his toys and MVJ found a new friend! Even though MVJ was a bit cranky about being held by other people, she entertained from her spot on the floor -- sitting up by her boppy or in her bumbo. Then we enjoyed a short walk on a beautiful day -- one of the last sunny ones for a while I fear. I scampered up a haybale and MVJ was hoisted up. I was proud of myself that I could still get up and excited to share this special place with my baby girl. I hope it becomes a favorite retreat for her as well!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

MVJ's new chatter

Lately MVJ has gotten up right about the same time I do in the morning. It's precious to have that extra time with her, but also a bit tough balancing getting ready with caring for a busy little girl! JJ has been wonderful about getting up a little earlier so that we can spend breakfast together and so that I can, you know, get my teeth brushed and little things like that.

Last Wednesday, as I was walking out the door, MVJ called, "Buh-buh Mah-mah!" It just about broke my heart. Of course I had to run back and cuddle her a few more minutes. She is just the sweetest little girl. It is so tough walking out the door each day. She has been saying muh-muh for quite some time now. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Daddy teases her that she's going to go to her room until she starts saying da-da!

Now this one is going to be a tough one to describe, but here goes. When we are teasing MVJ, we'll pretend to chew on her things with a throaty chompy (like /kom/ ?) noise. And then other times we'll tickle attack her with a similar throaty (like /buh/ ?) noise. Anyways, our little has started to copy us! It is just hilarious to watch her with her little fang (she has one top tooth, but it's one on the side... silly girl!) make a throaty little noise. We say she's turning into our little vampy (vampire)!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

.....drumroll please.....

And the winner is........... #2!

LJ! Woohoo! I'll chat with you about which treat place you'd like a $10 gift card.


Thanks to all of you that wrote in. You sure brightened my week with your responses - hopefully you all can see the bright spots in every day!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Spreadin' Some Sunshine

Alright, I'm copying friend BKS for this one!  A little bit ago, Miss Rhubarb and Venison had a little contest.  It had been a rough week and she just needed a little bit of sunshine.  So, she had people leave comments about something happy, positive, or what they're thankful for.  Then, she randomly drew a number and guess what people?  I WON!  I never win anything!  It was fabulous!  So, I'm spreading the love.  Making my own little sunshine in my own little corner of the blogosphere.  

Here's the deal.  Tell me the best part of your week or a blessing you've recently received and I'll draw a random number.  The winner will get a $10 gift card to Dairy Queen!  (If you don't have a DQ near you (how sad for you!), tell me what treat place you'd like a gift card for.)  Let the positivity begin!! 

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Is she too old??

I'm still breastfeeding MVJ. It's going well with the exception of her not taking anything else. Li'l stinker! The other night I was feeding her and she sat straight up and launched herself at the other side and started nursing. It was hilarious. It made me laugh out loud and wonder to myself if she's too old... I know she's not and plan to just keep truckin' as long as it's working out for both of us.

Friday, September 11, 2009


The other night my friend KLA was in town.  It was SO good to see her.  And she brought me Subway.  I mean, c'mon.  [Right here.  She got me right here.  Pointing to my heart.]  She just cracks me up.  I've tried to convince her that she needs her own blog.  She just has so many ideas.  Some people might find them strange, but the way she presents them is just hilarious!  For example, she explained why marble cake is a lose-lose choice for weddings.  "You don't please ANYONE.  Those who like chocolate cake aren't happy.  Those who like white cake aren't happy.  No one wins!"  

She also showed me a twitter page called s#!$mydadsays --- but the real swear word -- beware there's lots of swearing... obviously!  It's SO random.  This 28 year-old guy who lives with his parents just randomly writes things his 73 year-old father says.  It's totally random and has its funny moments.  On to facebook, where we checked out her BIL's notes where he writes about his week in review.  Then we looked through almost all of her hubby C's pics on facebook, while K pointed out if he was buzzed (happy smile), drunk ("He looks like an infant!"), or looking gay or the "Oh he's so cute!  Look how hot he is!".  

But, the gem of the night... the quote of the day was when she was describing her Mom at her wedding:  "What are you going to do when your Mom steps out dressed like a pirate??!"  I just laugh out loud even just thinking about it right now.  haha!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

DeLurking Day!!

I'm TOTALLY copying my friend LB from work!  

Hello?  Hello?  Hello?  Echo... echo... echo... 

I wanna know who's out there... so post a comment!  It's my De-Lurking Day!  :  )

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Days Off

I love a day off. Believe me. Anything that gives me more time with my husband and baby girl is a-ok by me. BUT... being a little picky here... I MUCH prefer having Fridays off rather than Mondays. When you have Monday off, all you can think about is it is a four-day week and then it drags on forever. Also, Tuesday is just another Monday -- that dreaded first wake up of the week. So, thank goodness for laborers. I loved my three-day weekend, but now I'm just thrown off. And to make matters worse, whenever I try to remember what day it is, I think, "Oh! Wait! It's a four-day work week! It must be {insert the day AFTER the actual day}." Ugh... So all day today I thought it was Thursday. Thank goodness for my TV lineup to help me get back on track. Oh yeah -- Top Chef is Wednesday. Project Runway is Thursday. Ok, ok, aaaaand, I'm back!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Baby Girl Update

My baby girl will be 30 weeks tomorrow. I can't believe it! Here are a few updates:

*MVJ is *this* close to being a sitter! She does a great job, but I don't think she realizes yet that she's on her own. She'll be sitting there great and then all of a sudden plunge forward, or to the side. The sides are especially tipsy still.

*Daddy is trying to work on MVJ crawling. What??! Let's take things slowly Daddy! But, when MVJ is on her tummy, she'll get her little legs going and it just seems like she's going to take off one of these days!

*MVJ has some random best buds -- she loves BB, our upstairs neighbor and also H, the worker at sand volleyball! I love that she and Grandma bonded too!

*We have a good eater - she loves baby food - well, everything except for apples it seems. Who knew? Sometimes I get tummy troubles after eating apples, too, so this could be my fault. She has been better about using her sippy cup, but still seems at least minorly repulsed by the liquids in it (we've tried everything: water, juice (LOW concentration of juice), formula, and breastmilk!). She refuses a bottle. The lactation consultant (I told you I was a worrier!) said that she IS probably fine, but that we should try a bottle on the weekends too... so that is our new plan.

*We have good sleeper. MVJ is somewhat stubborn to her schedule in the evenings. She WANTS to be in bed around 6:45, and no matter how hard we try to move this back, we always seem to get punished if she's not in bed by 6:45. We had volleyball Thursday night, which we thought would be a great opportunity for MVJ to stay up a little later and maybe sleep a little later??! Nope. We were punished with one night wake-up along with an early morning wake-up. She was so crabby too. We just knew she would be back down for the count soon after waking up. Sure enough she was back in bed for her morning nap around 8am!

*MVJ and Daddy are just about the cutest things ever. It seriously melts my heart thinking of them hanging out together. Sure she may not be wearing the outfits I would put together. Sure she may be working on crawling sooner than I would be helping along. Sure she isn't drinking booby juice like she should. But when I get home, and hear Daddy whisper, "Who's that? Who's coming?" And MVJ grunt in response, I just about lose it every time!

*MVJ still has wild hair! We love it! She also has her BIG eyes that have to check everything out. My new nickname for her is "Googiebear" -- she just has such big googlie eyes.

*She still loves car rides, being held, going for walks, sitting in her highchair, book snacks, and her buggy (a bug whose nose lights up, body plays music, and wings crinkle). Oh! She also has begun to love pacifiers again... but alas, only as toys this time. We'll put it in her mouth, and she'll chew on it, pull it out, flap it around, put it back in her mouth, swirl it around, etc. Goofer!

*She's begun to stick out her tongue. All the time! She has such funny facial expressions and her smile can get so huge! But her lower lip can get equally huge too! She still "talks" -- lots of mmmm sounds -- at times it sounds just like "mum"! So cute! She also ooohs, and whispers sometimes too -- I love all of her little noises! OH... but she still screeches at times too. Youchies, that is NOT one of my favorite noises!

*She's just about exclusively in 6-9 month outfits -- some smaller ones still fit -- but I've mostly put them out of the way. It's fun to pull out new things! But, at the same time, I still get sad thinking it'll be the last time she'll wear some of her smaller things. Like my Mom said, I'll have to pray for another girl with all of these cute clothes!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Eyes Have It

I made an eye appointment before school started -- got to get all those appointments out of the way, you know. I have been shopping around for eye docs since we've moved here. I started at JCPenneys, because I got a discount at the time. It was ok. I moved on to this other place where I could get a discount for working for the public schools. I did not really enjoy that place. I thought the doctor was rude, to tell you the truth. So now I ended up at Target, with a referral from WS, a friend at work. I have finally found my local eye doc! I thought she was fabulous - friendly, professional, knowledgeable, and thorough, yet quick. She asked a lot about my eyes with regards to my pregnancy and even took the time to learn more about the HELLP syndrome because she said preeclampsia can affect the eyes. Anyways, some things I learned from my most recent eye check up:

*My optic nerve is angled slightly different - my doc said not to worry because:
*The back of the eye is like a fingerprint, everyone's is a little different. This COULD affect me when I get older though - I could be at higher risk for cataracts, or they could be worse, or something.
*I do have slight astigmatism. She said it's not bad enough to get tork lenses, but:
*My eyes take longer to focus on new things. (So THAT'S why JJ can always read license plates before I can... he always gives me "eye tests" because he likes to tease me for having such poor eye sight while he has fairly good sight.)
*My eyes got worse. Whuuu whuuuuuu (Debbie Downer). That sucks. I thought I had pretty much leveled out at -4.75, but no. I'm now at a -5 in each eye. The good news is both eyes are still the same prescription.
*The first thing we'll do with our inflated bank account when JJ is a rich and famous surgeon? Well... maybe not the first but maybe like in the top 100... I'd love to get lasik surgery!

Friday, September 4, 2009


I did it! I put in my first Creative Memories order. And I actually made my goal the very first month! Isn't that awesome? Yes! Except the part that my new goal begins right after I make the previous one. In these businesses, there are always sales goals that must be reached. Each requirements are a little different. I think CM has quite high standards. I don't think I'll be making my goal for very much longer, but it is certainly fun while it's lasting. Because I made my goal in the first month, I got an extra $100 to spend! Woohoo! And, I decided to say that I hosted a party, so I got host incentives as well. : ) So, I think I've figured that I can order my next two albums with a few fun accessories with all my incentives. Thank goodness I have good friends and family members who wanted a few products. Remember - if you need anything - I'll give you a good deal! : )

Thursday, September 3, 2009


So today we went on a field trip. A fabulous field trip. Outside. Beautiful weather. A change in routine. Lots of chaperones. What could go wrong? Welllll... without getting into too many specifics, just a few things:

1) A fight broke out in OUR group (of all groups) between two kiddos (one of whom's Dad was chaperoning...)
2) A girl got her period that day and didn't have any supplies. It was discovered when there was a pool of blood where she was sitting. (Poor chicky!) Of course, this was discovered by the one and only Mrs. W... it almost always is going to happen to Mrs. W. Bodily funcitons especially! ; )
3) A local news station came out and interviewed a few of our kiddos... in Mrs. W's group (again!), and when she got back, she had to frantically call parents to make sure it was ok their kids were on TV.
4) The camp coordinator is a bit over the top wierd about nature, but she definitely does mean well. And there are whistles. Loud ones. And time schedules. Strict ones.
5) I came back with a nasty cold. Allergies? I don't know what it is, but it sucks. Let's just say it's 8:30 and I'm ready for bed.

But.... I DID get four oreo cookies at lunch because my group was the straightest and quietest at lunchtime.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

MVJ vs. Church

MVJ has been a little stinker lately for us during Church. The service we choose to go to happens to land right after her morning nap, so we feel like we're good to go. She loves listening to the music. She loves when we're standing up. She does NOT like so much the sitting down and being quiet. For a few Sundays in a row now, I've taken her into the Nursery for about a half hour. I'm hoping that she'll warm up to it and be ready to hang out there by herself in a little bit. She LOVES other kiddos -- babies, young children, slightly older kids, etc. And our Nursery has toys! Toys she hasn't seen! And swings! And bumbos! What more could an ALMOST SEVEN MONTH OLD (what?!) want?

I've also signed up to help out in the nursery. I took the plunge. Well, for goodness sakes, I'm in there anyways, I might as well be helping out, right? There was a potluck this Sunday to kick off the young families ministry. A little four-year-old girl came right up to us and started chatting with MVJ. Our conversation went something like this:

Her: "She is beeeautiful!"
Me: "She loves kiddos."
H: "What's a kiddo?"
M: "You're a kiddo!"
H: "You're silly!"

Later, when MVJ started fussing, she ran over to us and started singing to MVJ. It was just about the cutest thing ever. MVJ kind of stopped and just stared at her. The little girl ran back to her Mom and said, "My singing HELPED!"