Sunday, February 28, 2010

M-M- Leroy Brown

This is MVJ's new nickname from Uncle AJ! I forgot to repost her quiz with the results!

So... How well did YOU know the birthday girl?

1. What was MVJ’s due date? b) March 7
2. What was M’s first reaction to food? a) Finally! The good stuff! Bring me more!
3. How old was M when she had her first (of many!) photoshoot? b) 2 wks.
4. What did M wear home from the hospital? c) a green newborn outfit bought by Grandma and Grandpa K while they visited
5. What unique thing occurred during M’s birth? a) her scalp was scraped when the doctor broke Mommy’s water
6. What was M’s favorite Christmas song? c) Run Rudolph Run by Chuck Berry
7. What special first did M have over Christmas? b) first plane (and train!) ride
8. Who gave M her first M&M? a) her hairstylist, MO
9. What does M like to do when she wakes up? c) eat
10. How does M feel about her sippy cup? b) she prefers nursing, but will take it – especially if someone else holds it for her

11. How many teeth does M currently have? 8
12. What item does M need in order to fall asleep? her pink "blank-blank" blankie
13. M was born with TONS of hair. Did this cause Mommy tons of heartburn? NO!
14. What is M’s bedtime (that she set for herself)? accept anything between 7:00 and 7:30 though it's usually on the 7:00 side
15. Name one thing M does NOT enjoy eating. This has changed quite a bit, but at the time it was definitely peaches, baby food peas and baby food green beans.
16. Who is M named after (middle name)? My grandma W.
17. How do we know M is a true Norwegian? She LOVES lefse!
18. What is M’s favorite toy? This was a trick question --- anything that is NOT a toy!
19 and 20. Name two of M’s nicknames. She has about a million and a half! : )

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Uh... well...

I have a badatude - watch out. My current gripe or source of bitterness? People who have it ALLLL figured out - where they'll be the next eight years, all the GREAT things they'll be doing, how EASY their lives will be. Yeah, because we have no clue. We don't know where we'll be or what we'll be doing. We had "the plan", but it doesn't seem to be happening. I'm not looking for sympathy or, "Don't worry, it'll happen." or even, "God's got it under control. Wait for His plan. It'll be better." OF COURSE IT WILL. I know that. But that doesn't make it any easier.

So, it's in your best interest to NOT ask me how things are going right now. : )

And, done. Back to your regularly scheduled happy Saturday. : )

Friday, February 26, 2010

Movie Night. . . : S

JJ and I have a netflix account and while I don't think anyone's ever accused JJ of being frugal, he definitely wants to get his money out of this endeavor. As soon as he gets a new movie, TV show, documentary, or whathaveyou, JJ wants to watch it. Now. He doesn't really appreciate when I add my own personal selections to the queue and then don't have time to watch it THIS SECOND buster.

The other night he had a movie picked out and decided we should have a movie night. In the evenings we usually do our own things - sort of reminiscent of young children's parallel play. Anywho, I thought it was pretty thoughtful of him to want to spend time with me so I plopped down next to him on the couch, expecting one of my selections to be on the docket since that's usually when he wants a quick movie night. He revealed the movie for the night - "Law Abiding Citizen" - with that guy from 300 and Jamie Foxx.

Ok. If you want a nice peaceful movie, this is NOT it. There were SEVERAL points in the movie when JJ covered my eyes and said, "DON'T look!" He knows how much of a chicken I am -- and the kind of weird nightmares that will follow. I mean, this one time a week or so ago I answered the phone and this groggly, raspy voice said, "Wrong number." I woke up in a sweat thinking about it at 4 am that very night.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


We officially have a toddler. She toddles around - not TOO many steps on her own, but she zips around taking a hand from Mommy here, the coffee table there, a toy here, Daddy's hand there - you get the point!

She has also become a picky eater. She will LOVE something one day and turn her nose up at it the next. We thought pasta pickups were the bomb a little while ago- now she picks them apart and plays with them, never putting them in her mouth. We *think* she loves oatmeal, grapefruit, toast with a little raspberry jelly, water (she now knows what it is -- ask "Where's your water?" and she'll get her sippy cup.), and sweet potatoes (especially when dipped in ketchup!). What a goofball!

She had her 12-month shots last week and I think the effects have officially worn off. Today she was a Cheeseball with a capital C!

She loves to be scared it seems. Goofball - she loves it when we jump out of nowhere with a "Boo!" or "Rawr" at her. When Daddy turns towards her quickly and "scares" her, she practically dives from where ever she is with fits of giggles.

She is still a good sleeper (usually about 7:!5pm-7:00am), but lately she's wanted to take a milk break at about 5:30. Then she zonks back out.

I'm trying to start weening her. It's tough for both of us. Maybe me more than her. I have trouble saying no!

She's a smiley, happy girl who loves her Mommy and Daddy very much. We love her even more!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I can't make this stuff up...

I have been dealing with a lot of odd things at work lately. Without giving away any identifying information and being too specific, let me share what my week has been like.

1. First of all, I have had no voice. Having a voice is really an important thing. Especially as a teacher. (and a mother- MVJ has been giving me quite the looks lately! and worshiper- it is odd to be at Church and not sing. It bugged me! I found myself having trouble getting into a worshipful mood.)

2. One of my students told another student to tell this other girl (that he's had bullying issues with this whole year) a very, very nasty (sexual) statement. Yuck-o. Can you say social skills unit for tutorial??

3. We've been dealing with a student... uhhhh... I can't even believe students would do this IN class, but masturbating. He has been seen doing it in several classes, been talked to (by the school counselor -- none of us female teachers really want to broach THAT subject with him), and continues to do it. Gross! It's so weird - if we teachers are noticing, it won't be long until students notice too and he gets a bad, bad reputation.

4. Today we had a different schedule to watch the movie Radio. We figured kiddos could use a little break before our long break (students have two days off because of State Hockey - yeah, we have school on both Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and President's Day, but get State Hockey off! I bet you can tell where we live!), but also we hoped kids would take to heart the message of the movie. After starting the movie, kids headed to lunch and then allied classes (gym, art, world languages, etc.). While in another class, a student decided to beat up another student. It became this big gossip deal and people began thinking the bully was this great guy. UGH. These kids don't get it. It's so frustrating.

Yeah, so I'm probably even MORE looking forward to a break than my students! We have training tomorrow, but Friday? Friday's going to be all about playing with Miss MVJ and her Daddy!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I LOVE surprising JJ. I don't think I did too much before we were married, but after that the flood gates were opened! The only slight problem is that now I have to find bigger and better ways to get him.

The first big surprise occurred for JJ's 23rd birthday. We were living on campus - I was a hall director. I invited a bunch of people and had projectors set up for video game-playing and pizza ordered for the gamers! With a little help from our friends, we pulled it off beautifully!

The next surprise came when it was JJ's 25th birthday (I think... maybe 26... I'm losing track!). JJ's niece and nephew lived in St. Cloud and Minneapolis, respectively. It may sound weird - but with JJ's family his niece is older than me so these are not like 5 and 6 year-old nieces and nephews! : ) Anyways, his nephew was an assistant manager at a hotel and I contacted him to help me out with a little surprise. I worked it out so that I came home for lunch to surprise him with that. But at the end of my lunch, I got up and said, "You're coming with me! The bags are packed, let's go!" He looked at me strangely until I let him guess when we stopped in Fargo. He figured it out by the thirdish guess and we enjoyed a fabulous weekend with SC, MH and PH. Yay for family and surprises!

Now, for JJ's 28th birthday, I was very shifty. I told him he better not make any plans basically all week because something might happen... or it might not. As the days went by following his birthday, I think he gave up thinking something was going to happen. Then on Friday, we were hanging out at home when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. I answered it and said, "Our babysitter is here! Let's go!" As JJ adds here when telling the story, "Good thing I had pants on!" JJ also says that at this point I said that I wanted a date night one too many times so he knew something was up. We arrived at Applebees on time for our reservation - but had to wait at least another 45 minutes. Boo! But so many of JJ's friends and family came out! It was so great! He was happy and felt well-loved.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Oh my word.  This is the first one.  The big one.  My baby girl is ONE years old!  I just have to return to that day.  Want to come with me?  That's right!  It's a 3-parter!  Part 1: Leading Up; Part 2: Labor and Delivery; and Part 3: Post Delivery.  WHAT a day.  It was so exhausting and exhilarating.  So nerve-wracking and fabulous.  So scary and joyous.  It was quite a day.  I'm so focused on the day, but now thinking back over the whole YEAR.  Wow.  It's overwhelming.  MVJ has learned so much.  JJ and I have learned SO MUCH.  

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Birthday Girl Quiz

I have a lot to post about but I've spent the last... oooh... long time posting pics of facebook and I am TIRED.  Ok?  Tired.  BUT, I want to share this fun birthday girl quiz.  (sorry about some of the formatting...) MVJ turns 1 on Tuesday, but we had her birthday party this weekend.  Good luck!  I'll post the answers later in the week!

How well do YOU know the birthday girl?
Multiple Choice.
1. What was MVJ’s due date?     a) February 15                        b) March 7                 c) March 10
2. What was M’s first reaction to food?        a) Finally!  The good stuff!  Bring me more!                       b) NO thanks.  Blegh!    c)  I’ll take it or leave it.
3. How old was M when she had her first (of many!) photoshoot?    a) 1 wk.    b) 2 wks.    c) 3 wks
4. What did M wear home from the hospital?  a) a Halo sleeper borrowed from the hospital        b) a frilly pink dress Mommy bought while preparing for the big day                                                       c) a green newborn outfit bought by Grandma and Grandpa Kucera while they visited
5. What unique thing occurred during M’s birth?  a) her scalp was scraped when the doctor broke Mommy’s water         b) she was born tachycardic and needed a little help in the NICU                             c) one of the nurses fainted
6. What was M’s favorite Christmas song?   a) Ave Maria by Josh Groban   b) Christmas in Hollis by Run-D.M.C. c) Run Rudolph Run by Chuck Berry         
7.  What special first did M have over Christmas?  a) first time meeting her Great Grandparents    b) first plane (and train!) ride           c) she cut her first tooth
8.  Who gave M her first M&M?  a) her hairstylist, MO   b) her Grandma BJJ  c) her friend JB (our upstairs neighbor)
9.  What does M like to do when she wakes up?  a) snuggle    b) get her diapey changed    c) eat
10.  How does M feel about her sippy cup?  a) it’s her favorite form of drinking   b) she prefers nursing, but will take it – especially if someone else holds it for her    c) she STILL refuses it
Fill in the Blank.
11. How many teeth does M currently have?   ______________
12. What item does M need in order to fall asleep?  ______________
13. M was born with TONS of hair.  Did this cause Mommy tons of heartburn?  ______________
14. What is M’s bedtime (that she set for herself)? ______________
15. Name one thing M does NOT enjoy eating.  ______________  
16. Who is M named after (middle name)?  ______________
17. How do we know M is a true Norwegian?  ______________
18. What is M’s favorite toy?  ______________
19 and 20. Name two of M’s nicknames.  ______________   and   ______________

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Remember that MVJ got this baby for Christmas?  She has learned to love her.  It is so sweet!  I'll say, "MVJ, where's your baby?" and she'll crawl to her and hold her up.  I think that is the first big example of MVJ responding to us in a way that we know she knows what's going on!  Most of the time she'll just throw her over, but sometimes she'll cuddle her a bit.  She'll even give her kissies!  It is way too cute!  Of course, she doesn't usually have any kissies for her Daddy or I.... but I'm sure that's the next step!  Last weekend, I walked into her room to find her and my Mom - my Mom was holding her, MVJ was holding her baby, and they were dancing.  So sweet!  Te quiero amor mio!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Lovie!

My hubbers is the big 2-8 today!

He is the best man ever.  I know God planned for us to be together because I can't imagine us ever being apart.  Some of you may not have ever seen these sides of JJ, and that's OK with me!  : )

Here is EJ's TOP TEN reasons JJ is THE BEST!

#10: He de-spices all of his food for me.  He is the ultimate foodie but foregoes much of his favorites just because I'm such a picky eater.  Oh, and did I mention supper made every night?  For me?  And packs my lunches?  Yeah.... I'm spoiled!

#9: I make lists.  Lots of lists.  JJ checks things off the list.  Many things off the lists.  It's awesome!

#8: JJ listens to all of my worries and frets and complaints and just lets me talk.  He makes me feel better with the gift of quality time and assurance.

#7: He is so thoughtful.  JJ thinks of me and surprises me with little gifts or acts of service (My favorite blueberry desert!  The laundry done before I get home!).  He is so funny.  He can't keep a secret, so I don't ever have to wait for Valentine's Day, my birthday, Christmas, etc.  Whenever he finds something special, he gives it to me right away!  : )

#6: He is so smart and is the best teacher.  JJ has taken time to teach me about all sorts of things from Chemistry topics to tennis.  My favorite thing that JJ has taught me is how to snowboard.  It has been really neat to hit the slopes with him and something I can't wait to do as a family again!

#5: JJ is so calm and easy going.  He is the soothing antidote to my crazy.  For example, when I was giving birth and saying "I can't!  I can't!  (I WANT AN EPIDURAL.)  I can't!"  He was right there, holding my hand, showing me how to breath whispering, "You're doing it.  You're doing it.  You're doing it."

#4: He is a good sport.  JJ plays games with me when I want to play.  He makes food and hosts our friends over.  He plays sand volleyball with me.  He goes on walks, takes family vacations and run errands with me.  JJ enjoys spending time with our families and friends.

#3: JJ is a man of faith and helps me to strengthen my relationship with God too.  My favorite time of the day (besides seeing JJ and MVJ right after work) is right before we fall asleep when we spend time in prayer together.

#2: He is following his dreams so that he can minister to people's needs and so that I can be a stay at home Mommy in the future.

AND NUMBER ONE:  He is the best Daddy in the world.  When I see him with MVJ it seriously makes me tear up every once in a while.  MVJ has the most special gift of all: quality time with her Daddy during the day.  They will have a bond that can't be created any other way.

I love you JJ, you old man, you.  Muuuah!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Biggest Loser

Yes, I know, my brother already said it.

Last year since I was pregnant and due before the end of the school year, I was banned from joining my school's Biggest Loser competition.  This year, I am IN.  The rules are simple.  We each put $10 in a pot (well, in a zippered bag stored in a locked drawer in the office), weighed in in January and will weigh in again in May.  The person to lose the biggest percentage of weight wins the pot!  There are twenty-one people participating, so that's a lotta dough.  Enough to help me forgo that desert?  Hopefully!  Of course this week hasn't been the best week -- we celebrated MVJ's birthday with my family AND celebrated JJ's birthday with our Bible Study friends.  It was round one of celebrations with a few more to come.  Yikes!  And before this week, even, JJ was on a cake-making kick.  I confronted him about it and he finally managed to say that someone from my work called and asked him to sabotage my healthy eating kick.  :  )  (j/k)

But, on the other hand, I've started working out in the evenings.  It feels so good.  I'm starting easy: a pilates DVD and The "You Docs" workout DVD.  They're each about a half-hour, so are totally doable, but still make me feel like I've done something.  I've even gotten JJ off the computer chair to join me.  What a trooper!