Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sneaky Mommy

I did it.  I bought the Sneaky Chef cookbook (the blue one).  I couldn't resist and it was in a book order M brought home.  How cute is that?  I had to order.  The funny thing is most of the time I feel like I need the sneakiness - not M as much!  Although, lately she has been a picky little thing - like with the spitting things out overtly and the eating cereal instead of yummmmmy Italian food at our friends' house.   

So anyways- Sneaky Chef.  You've heard of her, right?  Her ideas seem revolutionary yet doable.  It seems like there're a lot of steps involved because she has 13 methods and 13 make-aheads and other information beyond that, but I think a lot of it blends together.  So I'll share with you some of the things I learned reading the cookbook -- yes, I read it cover to cover.  THEN we'll see if I can put some of the ideas into practice - for M's health as well as baby #2, J and I.

The guiding principal is sneaky nutrition into every day foods kids love.  In fact, method #1 is pureeing superfruits and veggies to add to things like macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and french toast-- kid appealing foods.  Along with purees there are some sneaky ways to add in things like wheat germ, whole wheat flour, and even just nutritious broth or green tea instead of water in some recipes.  The recipes - even the make-aheads (the purees, flour blends, etc.) - seem simple enough -- and if they're still too complicated, the Sneaky Chef even shows some quickie in-a-pinch substitutions like baby food.  I *may* go that route for my first trial run - French Toast planned for Saturday morning -- just to get a feel for it before I go overboard and have a freezer full of purees.  I have visions of baking up a batch (or doubling it) and freezing it in ice cube trays like my SIL did with baby food.  We'll see if it gets that far... : )  I'm good about starting a fad... not quite as good at following through-- alllll the way through.  Like poor, poor DDR and then Guitar Hero and then sadly Wii Fit.  : (  Just thinking about that makes me sad.      

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A "funny"?? story

MVJ has major eating issues lately.  We are so not impressed, but she will put something in her mouth, and emphatically spit it out.  She has to get every last tiny particle out of her mouth.  It is so rude and bad-mannered, but of course, she doesn't see our arguments as valid.  We were at the grocery store the other day, Hy-Vee [not IV Auntie L ; )], and  M managed to get a bite out of a muskmelon -- the outer part of the muskmelon.  She immediately began spitting it out and even grabbed my fingers to sweep her mouth to get all remaining offending scraps.  Then, she went prone on the floor (thank you JJ for all the medical terminology floating around in my head!).  This may seem weird, but I assure you this is a common occurrence.  M thinks she is hilarious by "going nuh-nigh" at various places.  Like on the stairs.  Or in her high chair.  Or on the living room floor.  Or in a restaurant.  I was about to tease her about putting her to bed when I realized this particular floor laying episode was completely nefarious; she was being naughty, not just silly.  Before I could stop her she licked the floor (remember she's still trying to get rind out of her mouth).  SO embarrassing not to mention disgusting!!   

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Taking Toddler Walks

The evenings have been so. fabulous. lately.  Not so sweltering hot like it seems it's been since we've been here and definitely not cold yet either.  MVJ and I have taken to walking to get the mail in the evenings.  Simple task, right?  Let me try to help you take a little walk with us.

First of all we have to descend the steps of our home.  M's preferred mode is probably me carrying her, which I'm trying to stymie (I think I used that correctly... English majors?  Anyone?).  Her next favorite is going tummy first (as opposed to on her tummy which I think would be the safest).  She is almost tall enough to reach the hand rail, so she has one hand on the rail and one in my hand.  Down the stairs.  Shoes on.  Help Mommy open the door, help Mommy shut off the lights and finally help Mommy close the door.  Steps outside - here she can hold on to the rail, but with the cement, I always try to hold her hand too. 

THEN, we have to get past all the cars.  She wants to touch all of the hoods and of course drive them all.  I try to tell her they may be hot.  She sometimes walks up to them and fans her hands to cool them off while saying, "Hot."  Occasionally a friend or two is playing in the grass.  (A family with FOUR little girls moved in close to us as well as a family with two kiddos from India.)  She doesn't quite want to "play" yet but loves to watch them!  Then, there's the grass, sticks, trees, berries (that she tries EVERY TIME to put in her mouth.  EVERY TIME.  Every one.), close to the sidewalk.  There's the temptation to go into the parking lot.

Once we pass the cars and kiddos, we've almost made it to the pool area (our cut spot), we of course have to touch all the plants, try out all of the lounge chairs close by, and say hi to everyone out sunbathing.  One poor guy was sleeping as M yelled across the pool area a very emphatic and friendly, "HI!!!!"  THEN we pass the workout facility.  M looooves pressing her little nose to the window and waving at everyone there.  Thank goodness no one has fallen off a treadmill yet...  After the workout place comes the pop machine, on which M just has to try the buttons.  Maybe she'll get lucky with an orange soda one of these days...

Next is the tennis court.  I've given up trying to walk past it.  We go in and M runs around for a while.  She scoots herself under the net and tries to also sneak under the chain link fence.  At least at this point, Mommy can sit down if she wants.  M is fenced in.  What harm can come?  ; )

Back onto the sidewalk.  Sometimes we're lucky enough to see a dog at this point.  M has become much more friendly with dogs.  She still will not pet one, but I don't have to be holding her the whole time.  She loves saying, "Hi" and "Bye bye" to her canine compadres.  Then we have to cross the busy-ish street to get to the mail kiosk.  M HAS to hold my hand.  If she refuses, I pick her up, kicking and screaming and all.  Mommy's rules.  I tell you what.

NOW we've reached the mailboxes.  NOW M has to try a key - generally our van key (I'm guessing because it's the longest and fattest) on every mailbox within reach.  Sometimes, when I have all my wits about me, I've already unhooked the mailbox key from the set before letting her loose on this task.  Then she usually notices what I've done and gives me the stank eye.

This is only half of our trek people!  We still have the return trip!  Variations I've tried:
a) putting M in her stroller.  She really does well with this and sits the whole time, but what fun is that?  I want her to explore and be a toddler.  It's also good for her to take a walk and get some exercise.  What am I saying?  She runs around nonstop from the time she is awake, till her head hits the crib mattress.  But anyways, the exploration point.  Yeah, that one is valid.
b) bringing M's stroller with her baby so she could walk it.  I thought that would give her a distraction for at least the cars and berries.  Not so much.  I ended up carrying her darn stroller most of the time.  At least it was a holder for my cellphone and keys...
c) if it times right - and it's a miracle when it does - M and I will get to the mailbox and Daddy will pick us up on his way back from school.  We've also done this some Saturdays and then headed out to run errands or whatever.  That nice walk usually calms our crazy baby a little when let loose in a store.         

Monday, September 27, 2010

Little Monkey

MVJ is our little monkey - straight from Monkey See, Monkey Do.  I already shared how she used toilet paper to wipe over her clothes.  Mommy has been sick, so now she also "coughs" and uses a tissue.  She says, "Help you." when she needs help - I'm sure from me saying something to the effect of, "Can Mommy help you??" too many times-  when I see her trying something questionable.  There's the laundry, vacuuming, and putting away dishes.  MVJ's all time favorite thing lately is to be put in one of the front seats - preferrably the driver's side (obviously).  She quickly shuts the door and says, "Bye bye!" and begins terrorizing - radio controls, heat controls, CD in and out, play with the GPS, lights, blinker, etc. whatever she can get her grabby little hands on in the two or so minutes we indulge her.  She and Daddy went on a walk earlier today while I tried to rest some more (dang cold).  They came back a little while later and I asked how the walk had gone and where they went.  Daddy replied, "Oh, we only made it as far as the van and then M had to drive."  Stinker!

One of my favorite things she has picked up on happens just as we are about to leave for school.  I don't know how this has happened but the last thing we do before we leave is brush Mommy's teeth.  I sit her up on our countertop while I frantically brush, always at least a few minutes behind schedule.  M has begun to grab my deodorant, lift her shirt, and apply it.  Generally she gets it on her arm, or sometimes her back, but she always lifts her left arm while applying with her right.  It just cracks me up.  At least it's a hygienic habit she's picked up from us...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My funny M

Convo I hear from M's bedroom as J gets her this morning:

D: Did you have a nightlight last night??!  (trying one out for the first time... I don't know if she necessarily needs one, but it just seems like a kid should have a nightlight...?)
M: Yeah I did!! (super excited voice)
D: You did??
D: I love you!
M: I love you!

Then on their way into the kitchen she reminded Daddy that she needed a yum-yum (vitamin).

I don't know why I was so touched by this conversation, but sitting at the computer it just warmed my heart.  I love their little chats and M has become quite the little talker, which is so fun.  J was telling M that no one at Thanksgiving will recognize her.  She's grown so much and developed so many skills.  We love it!  Good thing the Fargo J's got Skype so we'll be able to keep in touch more regularly and visually!  : )  It was so fun to see L, B, oh yeah and L and A!  

Friday, September 24, 2010

J Fam Christmas Lists

I know, I know, it's September, but I also know that M has a lot of people looking out for deals...  I also want to give the caveat that these are just a few things M could use, but she certainly would love any gift given to her.  AND don't feel like you need to get her anything!  If we're being honest, her favorite things are wrapping paper, tissue paper, and being with family!

I've included links of examples - not as "this is the exact one you have to get or the exact store you have to shop from".

M's Wish List

Two piece pjs - pants with long sleeves or pants with short sleeves size 2T and up - example, example

Stepping stool - example

Toddler bedding - we don't have a specific color schema and are trying to stay away from commercialized characters like Disney Princesses or Dora, also we have beautiful quilts and Grandmas who make beautiful quilts, so no store bought comforters either! - example,

Bin organizer - example

Baby Stella accouterments - example     

Mommy/Daddy/Baby #2's big wish list item

Double stroller so M can either sit or stand like this: example

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I'm pretty sure I'm the last to know about this - but just in case I've found this pretty interesting and wanted to share!

Randomly a "Stats" tab showed up on my blog when I'm signed in.  (You know, up by posting, comments, settings, design, monetize, hey!  There it is!  "Stats").  It's kinda cool because you can see how many people view your blog, where they come from (as in what link they took to jump to your site - facebook, another blog, a google search, etc.), and physically where they come from (the US, Great Britain, South Africa, Taiwan, etc.).  I've enjoyed seeing which posts get the most "hits" as well.  I don't know how long this stats thing as been on here and keeping track, but so far my most "hits" went to my post about JJ, I think it was called "On to the Hubby".  Since apparently people from all over the world have viewed my blog it makes me even more wary of sharing any kind of personal information.

But, anyways, thanks for stopping by.  Leave a comment - it makes my day!  : )

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Visits by Skype

Living away from family has forced us into the technology age of communication.  My parents got a webcam, and after JJ installed it and got skype up and running, they were good to go.  We've been trying to skype every once in a while, but finding a time that works for both parties can still be a challenge.  Especially finding a time the little missy will be on her "best" behavior. 

At first we had some technical difficulties where everything worked on our end (as in they could hear and see us) but we could only see them.  The first few skypes happened via internet AND cell phone until my parents got their sound all figured out.  Now we're good to go.  Having MVJ able to hear AND see Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Will and sometimes even Great Grandma and Grandpa has been so awesome!  She gives kissies to the screen, says, "Hi" and "Bye-bye", but beyond that seems less than interested at times.  It's kind of stressful for me because I'll try to actually have a conversation and she's buzzing around somewhere else wanting my attention, when all I really want her to do is participate in the conversation as well!  Too much to expect of a 19 month old... : )  The other day she was coloring happily, with her back to the camera, so I tried to turn her around so she was at least coloring facing my family.  Much screeching and hollering ensued... I know, I know... I should've just left her be.  At least when the baby comes he or she won't put up too much of a fuss being in front of the webcam (for a while anyways!!). 

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I have been such a crab-crab lately.  Ugh.  Blame it on the pregnancy.  Blame it on the 19 month-old who NEVER listens to the word "No".  She hears snack, bath, brush teeth, book, walk, etc. JUST FINE.  But "no"?  Definitely out of her vocabulary right now - until she uses it of course...  Blame it on stress at work.  Blame it on a husband who is busy a lot.  But whatever the reason, I haven't enjoyed being around myself lately!  ; )

But, let me tell you some happy notes as of late:

1.  There was a fabulous consignment extravaganza in our area this weekend.  And actually today everything without a star is 50% off... crazy.  JJ, MJ and I hit it up yesterday and scored a ton of good deals including M's big girl bed frame, three pairs of maternity pants, two pairs of shoes for M-girl and an assortment of clothes as well.  These items were all high quality, not dirt cheap, but definitely a lot less than brand new.  The bed frame, for example, was $40.  I've been looking at similar ones at Target for $150.  Woot!  Woot!  Now for a mattress and we're set!  That we just didn't want to do used...

2.  Hot Air Balloon Festival!  There was a hot air balloon festival in our area this weekend TOO!  We were invited to tag along with friends from Church for a picnic while the balloons took off.  They were supposed to launch at 5:30, but thank goodness it was a lot closer to 6:15 or even 6:30.  Traffic was NUTSO and we didn't even go as far as the actual launching site - we instead picked a spot at a local high school's lawn by some baseball diamonds - and ended up having the perfect place.  We didn't see the balloons take off, but each and every one of them flew right over our heads!  What a cool site to see.  M and her bud J just said, "Woooow!  Wooooow!" every few minutes.  M also did her classic, "more", when one went over us and a new one hadn't popped over the trees quite quick enough for her.  She wanted to be held the whole time and mimicked the "whoosh" sound the balloons made when the driver blasted the inside with fire.  (Definitely NOT the technical version of what happens!)  It was just awesome to hang out with people our age and just have some social time - for M too. 

3.  Aside from being a little stinker, M has done some super cute things lately.
*She requests her sun glasses in the van and then calls herself a "Cool Dude".
*Saturday mornings, when we go to wake up Daddy, I overtly "creep" down the hallway saying "Shhhhh!".  M is usually giggling so loud I'm sure our neighbors can hear it and then when we get in to "surprise" Daddy, the first thing she usually does is "shush" him like I've been doing in the hallway.  It is so funny!
*She prefers to drink everything out of a straw, but, well, and this is where Mommy needs to take a bit of a chill pill, she constantly STILL tips the drink even with the aforementioned straw.  Ugh!  EITHER tip it OR use the straw silly girl!
*One of her favorite things to do ever is sit by herself in a "big girl" chair.  It doesn't matter where we are, if she is sitting by herself on a chair she has the smuggest grin on her face ever.
*She is constantly saying "Bye-bye" to Daddy, much to his sorrow.  We have to remind her often if Daddy is coming WITH us or if none of us are going anywhere at all.
*SHE thinks she is so funny and if you ever make a remark close to that, as in, "You're so silly!", she just totally cracks up with this goofy laugh of hers.  Silly girl.
*We've still been contemplating the potty training stuff.  She loves the thought of toilet paper, so that's the big reward hanging out there.  If you use the big girl potty chair then you get to use toilet paper.  I know I just have to catch her once and she'll "get" it, but so far no luck in that department.  We've had lots of talk about bottoms, butts, poopy, potty, etc. and she has added all of those words to her ever-growing vocabulary as well... 

4.  We had supper at some friends from Church last week (I know... I wonder if there's a special badge these people get for hanging out with the new people.  JJ is totally perplexed by it, "Don't they know that we're not interesting??"  But seriously, this Church has done an awesome job of making us feel welcome and letting us know ways we can get involved.  I've been invited to way more small groups, book clubs, dinners out, etc. than I ever was at my "old" Church.).  C cooked an absolutely delicious Italian meal.  YUM!  You know what M ate?  A piece of bread and some cereal.  OH, and desert of course.  STINKER.  D, C's hubby, got me hooked on his catch phrase "Just sayin'".  I even used it back at him that evening, which he seemed pleased about.  We were discussing what kind of doc JJ wanted to be and another gal there, E, said, "You don't want to be an OB-Gyn?  I've worked with a lot of those doctors."  JJ said firmly and quickly, "Nope."  To which I replied, "And that's ok with me... just sayin'."  : ) 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to ME! ; )

So I was totally planning on taking a picture on Saturday - at this point I believe it would be the marker of week 13.  But.  We decided to eat at IHOP for breakfast and seriously at least half of my pooch Saturday midmorning was a waffle baby.  It didn't happen later Saturday and I'm just kind of a stickler for dates.  I didn't really want to take a picture Sunday because then I'd have to say "13 Weeks, 1 day".  Yeah...  So, maybe we'll get Week 14 pictures.

Work has been stressful with a capital S.  Yuck.  I can't get into the particulars but I've been thrown into a really yucky situation and there's just not a lot that I can do about it right now.  I'm juggling a pretty complex caseload while learning a whole new system and way of doing things.  Thankfully it seems like my coworkers are super supportive and want to help me.

Meatloaf tomorrow night in case you're wondering about the meal planning.  : )

I'm totally becoming a Wheel of Fortune Wheel Watchers Club member.  I'm so jealous of my friends who have gotten callbacks to be ON the show!  How cool would that be?!

I have been reading a book that I should never have picked up at this point of my life.  It's all about midwives and, guess what, this particular midwife lost a patient and did an emergency C-section and is now on trial.  Oh jeez.  Not what I need to be reading right now!

I have also picked up crocheting again.  I am SO not fancy and prefer to a) stick with the same thread throughout a project (no fancy switching to make cool patterns for this girl) and b) stick with the same pattern throughout a project (ok, I know how to chain and do a double stitch (I *think* that's what it's called!)).  Maybe some day I will venture away from it, but for now it's working for me, you know?

MVJ started saying "I love you."  Highlight of.... my life....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

On to the Hubby...

You're probably sick of me bragging on my baby girl - sorry - it won't go away - it's what I do.  But I'll give you a break and instead brag about my awesome hubby. 

Seriously, this guy is so wonderful.  You all know about his kitchen skills... let's have a moment of silence <...............................> thank you.  Really, I shouldn't be so dramatic.  Just last week JJ was cooking up a storm more nights than not.  It was finals week and so his schedule was way off, but Wednesday he told me, "I like to cook.  It is a stress-relieving break for me.  Just let me do it."  Alright fine.  I guess I'll take one for the team and let you cook, but only if you think it's going to help you this week.   

JJ is also the most involved Daddy.  For example, he was just about to golf the other day when MVJ threw up.  I texted him what had happened and he was home about a half hour later after canceling with the boys to be home with his sick baby.  He is the best story reader.  I am always entertained and I know MVJ loves it too because lately when Mommy starts reading to her, she usually stops me about half way through asking for Daddy.  Our special favorite lately is "It's Okay to be Different" by Todd Parr.  If you don't know this book, you need to get to know it.  JJ totally ad libs with his own text sometimes and it just cracks me up.  For example, on the page that actually reads "It's ok to get mad." (with a skunk letting off it's spray) JJ reads, "It's ok to be stinky sometimes."  Or for "It's ok to have a pet worm." we often hear, "It's not ok to have a pet worm.  We'll discuss it later."   

MVJ adores her Daddy.  Just the other day, while he was playing with her in the living room, she pulled him down to her level and planted a big 'ole kissy on his lips.  They dance together, draw together (sometimes... if she's on a particularly good streak of keeping the crayons out of her mouth), take walks together, and generally chat about their days together.  He tries his very best to make it home by the 7:30 bedtime deadline and I can tell the disappointment and sadness in him when he gets home closer to 9pm, which is an often ETA.

JJ has been working so hard in school.  They already had finals for their first section.  CRAZY!  The first section has been described to me as a biology degree in five weeks.  Yikes!  Next up?  Musculoskeletal system and all that can go wrong with it.  Yippee!  JJ has thrown himself into a new health kick blaming his labs where they are practicing on each other.  He has three rotating lab partners, all of whom are women... enough said on that front!  JJ has joined many student groups to get to know his classmates but also network with local physicians and get to know different career paths and shadowing opportunities.  He came home one night rethinking orthopedic surgery.  I think it's good that he didn't go in with a set decision and can be open to awesome opportunities that come up and the one branch of medicine that will prove to be his best fit.     

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My NINETEEN month girl!

Wow... time is a'flyin' by!  So I just have to post about my fabulous little girl.  She IS a busy girl.  She tries my patience sometimes, but seriously she is becoming such a cool little lady.  I love that she calls ME mommy and I get to call her my beautiful baby. 

MVJ has become quite a little helper.  She LOVES to help me with laundry-  from carrying some of her clothes to the washing machine, to handing me articles of clothing to put in the washer, to transferring them to the dryer, to "helping" me with the folding, to bringing Daddy his clothes or moving lots of clean laundry just around - she is involved in it ALL!

She also loves unloading the dishwasher.  This pretty much freaks me out, but I get almost everything out beforehand and then call her in to hand me the spoons and her cups.  It's a nice trade off and she just feels like such a big girl when she helps Mommy.  Oh that reminds me of a book I used to "read" at my City Grandma's house - "We Help Mommy"... classic.  I think I could still recite lines from it from forever ago. 

She is quite the reader and makes this Momma SO proud when she consistently asks for the Bible as her nuh-nuh book.  (She has her own baby Bible... no we don't read the whole Bible every night!)  She also loves to draw.  (She asks to "color" almost every night.)  We are still working on crayons because she still wants to eat them.  I thought I was very clever by getting her a Color Wonder pack - the markers that only draw on the certain pages, but MVJ ate the tips off of a few of them before I had to put an end to that for a time.  No wonder it says age 3 and up!!  : )  Oops...

MVJ also has lots of words within her grasp.  She is all about body parts lately - eyes, nose, teeth, ears, chin, cheeks, toes, tummy, etc.  She knows several animals as well - pig is her all time favorite, but she also likes puppy, kitty, cow (although for that she says "moo").  She is very polite and her teachers and we all hear "please", "thank you", "nice", "yes" and of course "no" often.  

She still sleeps through the night - YES.  But only takes one nap a day - usually a couple of hours starting at 11:30.  Sometimes the evenings get rough but I don't want her to go to bed before 7:30.  Even at that time I don't get to spend a ton of time with her. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My bugaboo

MVJ has had several breakthroughs lately:

1.  This last weekend my parents were here (YAY!!!) and she did so awesome.  She became buds with my Dad - she's always had a thing about not liking males, so this was definitely a breakthrough!  All of the treats and fresh fruits and yummy veggies they brought sure didn't hurt their chances of becoming BFFs.  : ) 

2.  While my parents were here, MVJ consistently told us when she had just gone poopie by pointing to her butt and saying "Poop."  Also, once she told us before she went.  I RAN, put her on the potty and cheered her on, but she screamed and refused.  Maybe too much of a production?  In any case, I'm seeing it as progress.  There have been several incidents where we've put her on right before bath time and she has just given us funny looks until we plop her in the tub and on SOME of those occasions she has peed after bath, before diaper.  Stinker!

3.  The last breakthrough is not on a positive note, sadly.  MVJ was being a monkey (Oh!  I have to tell you about one of M's favorite books - No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed! - she gets the book out and just shakes her little finger at those naughty little monkeys!  It is so funny!)  and getting on the couch, getting off the couch, getting on the couch, getting off the couch, and repeat.  Until, that is, she slipped and bonked on the coffee table.  MVJ has a big fat lip, cuts on her inner lip AND one cut on the outside of her lip.  Much blood and tears ensued.  : (

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Here're the answers to all your questions - AND MORE!  : )

*We're 12 weeks pregnant, with an unofficial due date of March 19th.  Yes, I will continue to say, "we" even when my FIL chides me.  JJ and I are in this together and if he forgets that he's pregnant too I remind him.  : )
*Our first appointment is Oct. 3rd - when I'm 16 weeks - stupid new job and insurance not kicking in until Oct. 1st... (unless I start not feeling well - I'm not worried at all about self-paying if we need to - just want to get my moneys worth out of dumb health insurance while we can)
*YES we will be finding out the sex and sharing it - NO we will not be sharing names until D-Day (Delivery Day).
*I've been feeling ok, definite bloating and facial yuckies - all that darn glowing going on!  Significantly less morning sickness which leads me to believe we're having a boy... ? : )  We will see relatively soon!  A girl would be fabulous though - I was just looking through MVJ's baby album and reminiscing about all of her cute clothes...
*With MVJ I craved savory/salty things like mac and cheese and pretzels from pretzelmaker.  With this one I'm ALL about the sweets... (or am better at blaming my own sweet tooth on the baby ??)
*Yes this was planned.  Why not add this on top of all the other craziness this year?!  Reasoning: a) this will hopefully not fall on any finals for JJ, b) school schedule - towards the end of the year is always better for me with summers off, and the biggest reason c) this is JJ's last summer off before rotations.  So it was now..... or 10 years from now..... : )
*So I have been hearing from friends who say they just got their bumps back right away with their 2nd, 3rd, 4th pregnancies, and I was feeling... a little smug? cocky? svelt?  : )  I just didn't think I was showing too much.  I shared my attitude with JJ, who, bless his heart said this to preggo me: "Honey, you DO look pregnant."  -k- never mind!  : )  This weekend I feel like I have pooched out a bit more but not enough to dig out the maternity clothes, which are at the ready anyways... we knew when we moved in so why keep them boxed up?
*MVJ loves babies and has been a huge helper around the house lately so I'm hoping this transition goes smoothly for her.  More on her tomorrow!!  She's been growing and changing AGAIN.  Who told her she could become a big girl before our eyes?!  : )  

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

I feel like it's pretty fitting on Labor Day to share some news with you.

I could be all clever like my friend C.  I could give you all the details like my friend JJW.  I could share it in a picture like my SIL.

Maybe I'll just come out and say it.  We're having another baby!  Woohoo!  This one is also SET to make his or her appearance in March.  Here's hoping to an accurate month of due date anyways this time!  : )

More details to come - just had to share our exciting news! 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Church was GREAT!

We have really been enjoying our new Church.  First of all it's rather small so I don't feel overwhelmed with the mega churches up all around this city.  We have felt very welcomed by everyone.  I don't know how many dinner invitations we've received - two that are currently scheduled.  They have a great Nursery and cry room (we frequented that when Mads had a runny nose and we didn't really want to send that to the Nursery...).  And above all, of course, we feel at home with the denomination and focus on the Bible. 

BUT, at Church today it was above-all fantastic for three reasons.

1.  At the beginning of Church, an older gentleman come up to me and praised MVJ up and down for her dancing the previous week.  Seriously, that girl busts a move during the worship portion.  Last week was classic because she kept edging further and further up the aisle until basically everyone was paying attention to her little dance.  So cute.  You know, as a parent you just never know if your kid is bugging/distracting others so it's nice to know that other people appreciated her moves as much as I did.

2.  CRAFT NIGHT THIS FRIDAY!  Woohoo!!  We had them at our old Church - put on by a work friend.  I'm SO, so happy to see that this Church does them as well.  Scrapbooking, card making, sewing, whatever craft you want to do from 6pm - midnight or later.  Yippee!

3.  I have a friend!  A gal, J, that I've been slowly getting to know more and more each week gave me her contact information and wants to set up a playdate (she has a kiddo a few months younger than M who I could've sworn was her age until J shared how old he was).  Yay!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Time to breathe

It seems like the weeks just fill up so fast with so much to do.  I know everyone always feels busy, so this is no big shocker to any of you.  Working full time, being Mommy, being wifey, having some sort of organized and cleaned house, OH MY.  Did I mention my husband is in Med. School?  Remember when I used to be the spoiled girl whose husband did the cooking?  For the most part, those days are gone.  I mourn them often.  But, I do have a newfound love of meal planning.  I enjoy going through books and choosing things to make.  Lately I've been trying to do a week at a time and only go the grocery store once a week.  This is quite a feat for us because it seemed like we were going all the time plus eating out way too much as well.  What a money suck!  But once you have groceries and meal plans, you actually have to do the cooking... alas.  Some saving grace for me is that MVJ is a relatively good eater.  Basically if I call something a snack or a treat, M is all about it.

So I've been cooking lately, what else have I been doing?  We had Back to School Night at my school - big surprise, no parents stopped by to see me.  Parents, often like their kiddos, don't want to look different by stopping by the specialist (or resource teacher).  I'm learning our new IEP system because I have a meeting next week and another one after that.  Then what about lesson planning, data collecting, seeing kiddos, observing kiddos, team teaching (of sorts), and keeping paras up to date on their plans?  Yup, all needs to be done.  Apparently I'll have a new kiddo coming my way with volatile parents... grrrreat.  Some saving grace here is our principal backs teachers 110%.  She also makes no bones about it that her family comes first and that our families should come first, as well.  That has created a huge sense of family at the school.  And you know what?  I want to work harder and sometimes longer for someone who cares for me and my family that way.

I'm so looking forward to this weekend.  Not only is it three whole days I get to be with my baby girl, but my parents are coming to visit too!  Yippee!  JJ, of course, has a practical exam Tuesday so we most likely won't be seeing him any time soon. . .  I guess three out of four ain't bad ??