Monday, January 24, 2011

A quick tale from the Big Girl Bed

We have been easing into the Big Girl bed for some time now.  Honestly, I think it would've been easier to just totally do up her big girl room, take down the crib for a few months and be done with it.  But, anyways, back to the easing...  Saturday night M was exhausted (yeah, that 30 minute nap in the afternoon?  Yeah, it didn't quite cut it JUST like Mommy and Daddy said it wouldn't!) and went right to bed in her bed without any fuss.  Before I went to sleep later that night, I checked in on her and to my surprise she was on the floor.  We didn't hear a thud and definitely no crying, so I don't think she fell out of bed.  We're still confused on the how, when, why...?  She had about four blankies on her, so I'm not sure if she was cold and got out of bed to find more covers??  We keep our apartment fairly warm, so again... not so sure.

But, anyways, on the floor she was, so I gently picked her up ready to deposit her in the crib for the night.  She woke up a bit and mumbled something about water.  I reached over to retrieve her sippy from her bed but by the time I got it to her mouth, she was already back asleep.  Then I started giggling a little so I knew I had better get her in her crib and get out!  I put her in her crib and she mumbled something incoherent that came out something like this, "masdfmm msdfawef... rubbaback...", so I again got her covers (two blankies this time!) lined up and situated but by the time I was ready to rub her back she was completely out.

A few hours later, M is yapping loudly in her crib about wanting to sleep in her big girl bed, so I went in, put her in her bed, and she slept there the rest of the night (until about 7:15 -- woohoo!  We had a string of about 6:15 and, well, that just isn't acceptable!).  At her first real "I'm awake" peep, I rushed in there, eager to praise her for sleeping until a good time in the morning.  And there she was.  On the floor.  With about four blankies surrounding her.  

1 comment:

AJ said...

Sell the bed and buy her a pony I guess. =)