Thursday, January 13, 2011


This weekend (oh, and the TWO snow days we had this week... ridiculous... completely ridiculous) I ORGANIZED like no other.  I went through all of M's... well... basically through her WHOLE room.  It was fabulous!  It's embarrassing how much stuff she has accumulated.  We have been blessed by tons of people giving us hand-me-downs and gifts, too.  I condensed, ugh, I don't even know how many boxes and totes we started with - but anyways, I condensed them down to three, which I thought was reasonable.  I'm not getting rid of all baby girl stuff, because, hey, you never know for the future.  But, I'm also not hanging on to all. that. stuff. and moving it across country. again.  It was pretty fun going through everything, too, because I guess I just like that sort of thing.  As I enlisted JJ's help in moving stuff (I AM at 31 weeks now people), he noticed a few things in the "to go" boxes and this was overheard from the hallway.  "You're getting rid of that??  Oh!  I'm such a girl!  I remember when she wore every single thing in here!"  I know, buddy, I know.  That is how we ended up storing ALL this stuff in the first place!  He chose two more things to save from the pile, cleared out our deck storage and we were in business.  Here are the highlights of our organizing extravaganza:
  • Took down all Christmas stuff, organized it, put it in deck storage
  • Basically cleared out M's closet (make room for BLUE!) 
  • Got all neutral outfits out of the girl totes and organized baby boy's two small rubbermaids (for now.....!)
  • Gave SIX, count 'em SIX diaper boxes of stuff to friends in Bible Study having a girl in April
  • Started to reorganize the guest room/M's big girl room closet (more stuff in deck storage!)-- and get her room ready (including a fun art project where I took pictures we scanned of M's art and framed them.  I currently have eight framed plus a LOVELY alphabet done by a certain special niecey of ours.).
  • TOTALLY reorganized the living room - we do NOT have anything under our coffee table or end table anymore.  Woohoo!  The under the coffee table organizer went under the crib (now that M's extra boxes are gone!) and actually all the toys in it were thoroughly gone through --- some were kids meals toys that just do not need to be hung on to any more (the flying Yoda head freaked her out anyways).  Some stuffed animals were also donated.  My Grandpa made me a wooden doll cradle that is BRIMMING with stuffies.  I think we're good.  M did save one from the pile and that's ok with me.  : )  
  • The reorganization of the living room INCLUDES paper.  Ugh.  That is my total weakness.  So, when I say that it's reorganized, this is still a work in progress too, because I threw a bunch of stuff, shredded some others, recycled some, and the rest (which needs to be either scrapbooked or filed) is in a drawer I keep for future projects/pages or a pile above the filing cabinet, respectively.  
  • STARTED getting our room ready for when baby joins us in there for the first few months.  I have big plans there too.  First of all: furniture -- the big chair is outta there (and into the living room).  The chair from there is going into the "baby room", where M's big girl bed currently is.  The wooden rocking chair will join us in our room (and blessedly take up much less space to conveniently accommodate for the bassinet!).  Second of all -- stuff -- I think I posted about this before, but I'm totally repurposing our over the door shoe organizer and using it for baby's accessories (everything from burp cloths to booties).  I also have a spare drawer in my 3-drawer rubbermaid that currently houses my casual t-shirts and socks (dipes and wipes perhaps?).  Got the vision?     

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