Thursday, January 6, 2011

M's new BFFs

M cracked us all up over Christmas when she became infatuated with my brother.  Uncle W could do NO wrong, especially when he obliged and followed her wherever she wanted him to go.  Her familiar "Uncle W at work" cry could be heard almost the whole time, as newbie PT Uncle W worked every. single. day.  But as soon as he came home?  She would get so excited she screamed a little and grabbed his hand and lead him around.  They baked (with her new cupcake set) and played computer and danced and just plain enjoyed each other's company.  M kept trying to play with W's computer, and we kept reminding her that it was Uncle W's and not a toy.  When questioned a little while later about whose computer it was, M replied, "Uncle W's.... and M's."  When W's girlfriend S came over, I was afraid M would be a little jealous, but it was all good because then she had TWO doting friends to play with.  : )  Yesterday, M's little friend J joined her at daycare and I was prepping her for the big day.  I said, "Honey, guess who's going to be at M's today!"  She quickly replied, "Uncle W?!!"  : )

Sorry M's many other uncles, but Uncle A also gets special mention here.  Same story.  M dragged him around so he "got to" play blocks and legos and cars and the zillion other toys at the J house.  She was held and cuddled and just generally spoiled with Uncle bonding.  She was in heaven!  It was funny how she said his name, too.  I can't quite spell it phonetically, but I can still hear it.

1 comment:

Amy said...

How cute! And how wonderful of your brothers to oblige. My little guy is all about Uncles too--it is great!