Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bible Study

We have joined a really great Bible study through our Church.  It's a young couple's group - in fact - three of us our currently pregnant!  You can see where we're at as far as live stages!  The parents of the leaders also come to babysit so it's been wonderful! 

I have realized my desperate need for a Bible study in a strange way (and not just attending a group but also personal devotions and prayer).  Over Christmas vacation, we broke out a fun new game at the J house: Outburst, Bible Edition.  Superfun, right?  Yes, it was, but I was totally showed up by all people present --- which is not normally a big deal (I love games, but am not the best with trivia... or drawing... or guessing... sooooo) BUT this time, two of the players were 6 years or under.  Get the point?  Of course niecey L, who brought tears to my eyes (for real... I'm a proud auntie ok?  Make that a proud PREGNANT auntie.), is in the midst of learning all sorts of Bible stories and memorizing passages (which totally impresses me) through school and Awanas, but still, I should at least be able to get a few characters of the Bible right myself, right?!

At our Bible study, we're currently going through the Nooma series, with Rob Bell.  This last time, we watched "Today".  It was so for me right now.  I do struggle with living in "Today" and trusting that God has provided for me NOW.  As a parent, especially, I find myself in a constant battle between, "Oh, remember when..." and "I can't wait until you can..."  But also, I've felt like we've been in limbo for quite some time now -- waiting for JJ to take the MCAT, then interview, then get into Med. School... now it's where will he do rotations?  Where will he do residency?  In what?  Where will we live?  Are we done having kids?  Will I continue to work?  It's been tough for me to stop and enjoy THE NOW.  So, THANK YOU God for all of the huge blessings you have given me TODAY.     

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