Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Our little emotional thing...

M is SO emotional.  And she is SUCH a dweller.  I'm going to give you a few examples of things she's cried about just this week.
  • Her friend at daycare had a bonk.  We heard about it ALL night.  MP (M's daycare gal) said that S fell and was crying so M brought her her doll hoping it would make her feel better.  (Love that!)
  • M was literally sobbing over the "David Gets in Trouble" book when, at the end, David realizes it really WAS his fault, says he's sorry, and tells mom that he loves her.  (rolling eyes)
  • Actually there are several books and even some magazines that make M tear up.  If she remotely things someone or some thing is sad, she gets this BIG lower lip and declares them "saaaad".  : (  Often if a baby is asleep she'll think that baby is sad.  It takes a little while for me to convince her that the baby is sleeping -- baby is happy!
  • Daddy had the brilliant idea of telling her that Mommy was sad when she wouldn't come out of the guest room --- "Mommy is sad that you won't go out and play with her."  Allllll evening: Mommy sad.  Mommy crying.  NO dear, Mommy is very happy!  Look at me!  I'm happy!
  • During our snow day extravaganza, I realized I left my phone charger in my classroom - so it had been there over the weekend plus an extra day.  On day 4, it officially died, so when M and I were out running errands, we stopped at my school.  What I didn't count on was the gate being down by my classroom, so we couldn't actually get my classroom without driving to a different door.  Since I had buckled and unbuckled the now fidgety Miss M a few too many times, I decided to just head home and hope for school the next day!  M, however, was beside herself.  "Mommy's phooooone... Mommy's phoooooone charger in classroom!  Mommy's phoooooone!"  I soothingly reminded her that I could use Daddy's if I needed to.  Right when we got in the door, M wails up to Daddy about Mommy's phoooooone.  ... 
Also just for funsies (and I'm totally rolling my eyes just thinking of this list), these are some things M canNOT let go of.  Let it go honey.  Let it go.
  • Mommy locking her in the car that day.  She says, "Mommy lock door." with a really sad face.
  • A neighbor's elderly mother lives with him and she fell and broke her hip, which was very terrible, over Thanksgiving.  I don't want to minimize the situation, but M still brings up that the "Mom fell." again with the sad face.
  • How the doctor made her better.  Do you even remember when M had to go to the doctor for her nursemaid's elbow??  I DO because M won't let me forget.  Obviously it was a very traumatic experience for her.
  • There are lots of good things M remembers too, but I'll save those for another post!  : )
I hope we're not paying for her therapy 20 years down the road if she's still hanging on to these things!!

1 comment:

Lyz said...

When my kids drive me nuts I try to think of ways that this irritating habit is going to turn them into an awesome adult. Maddie smacks of a nuturing spirit!

Also, Leah has heard me tell stories so many times, that she internalizes them and tells them the exact same way herself. Those oldest kids!

My only advice: Every time she reminices, say, "Yep, mommy locked the door. But now we're fine!" Pick a script to repeat and maybe she'll get bored of the reaction...and move on to something else to drive you nuts.:)