Sunday, January 9, 2011

A break in the Christmas action... M update!

Miss M started a new daycare last week and is LOVING it.  Can everyone join me in a collective sigh of relief??  She loves to go see M, and her having a horsey (one of those guys on springs) sure doesn't hurt!  From the very first day she was a little sad to see me leave, but then didn't want to go home either (which is always a good sign in my book!).  S (age 4) is her big buddy.  And apparently J (age 20 months or so) is obsessed with her.  It's kind of funny because M has all these admirers but she could pretty much care less.  Today in Church, for example, S ran up to M and gave her hugs, kissies, and some tickles.  M just sat there.  Then S went back to her seat and came back up in the middle of the service.  THEN M was ready with some lovies for S.  J's mom (JH) said that before bed, J says her name and even gave her a kissy before he left daycare Thursday.  I was like oh so cute, but it caused JJ to raise his eyebrows a little.  : )

Besides a new daycare, M has also been on a word explosion.  She not only copies pretty much everything she hears, but she is reusing phrases correctly later.  For example, she always talks about the sun being so bright when it's in her eyes in the car.  Another favorite phrase is, "M sad.  M crying." or "M happy!"  I guess she is a true girl already in touch with her feelings.  BUT, her all time favorite phrase right now (can anyone say TODDLER?!) is "M do it!"  She loves to point out colors, but is still not 100%.  She has yellow and blue down pretty well but is still iffy on pink, green, and orange.  She doesn't pay much attention to the rest of them.  She loves the clean up song - you know "Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere!" and will take just about anything with a handle and pretend it's a broom or mop or vacuum.  She counts - especially when getting in trouble.  I.e. Mommy said you need to sit in your chair.  One... two... --- and she counts right along with me.  How can I discipline with that going on??  She has been VERY consistent in telling us when she's gone potty or poopy... we're still working on the timing there.  Lately she has been asking to sleep in her crib almost every nap/sleepy time.  We're not forcing the big girl bed, but I'd like her to be adjusted to that somewhat soon as well.  

1 comment:

K & C in Bizzo said...

I'm glad M likes her new daycare! Any word on the crayon melting??