Thursday, January 20, 2011

New project

I have NEVER ever complained about snow days so you may be wondering what the heck is wrong with me.  The very biggest reason is we have to make up for snow days at the end of the school year --- you know --- in June when I want to be playing outside with my TWO babies.  Another reason is there is just too much to do before a) I have this baby and b) I hate to say it, but before State Testing. 

My principal, who sadly isn't always the most reliable source, announced yesterday that they had been told not to order food for the cafeteria both Thursday AND Friday... so I'm not holding out my breath for tomorrow either.

So what do I do with this extra time?  How about try a new project??  I decided to start appliqueing!  Why not??  After a few emails and calls to my Mom I got all the necessary supplies and instructions.  M's two-year birthday is coming up (still can't believe it!) so I made her a shirt with a two on it.  Simple enough, right?  Now I'm addicted.  M currently has two shirts (and another almost done!) and baby brother even has two onesies of his own!  JJ (whose school also closed today) said he'd take me out later (when M wakes up from her nap).  The roads are not bad I just have this guilty conscience of "It's a snow day!  I should not be out and about!" - so having JJ drive me around somehow makes it better!  : )  


Lanae Brown said...

Ooooh, take pictures! I want to see what you made! I love making stuff and this sounds like something I could do!!! You should do a how-to post! :) (but only if you have another snow day and need something else to do!)

Lyz said...

Yes, I want to see pictures too! Do you have a sewing machine? Should I bother making Miss M anything anymore?

JJ and EJ said...

I have taken pics, but they're not completely done yet. Maybe I will try a step by step blog about it... but then it'd show just how poor of a crafter I am!

Lyz - I've actually been pretty proud of myself! I've been using my cricut to make images on cardstock and use that as my pattern. They're pretty cute. I do have a sewing machine. Um, yes... especially since you actually know what you're doing! heehee Also, I don't get fancy with multiple fabrics and heaven forbid different colored thread!

Julie said...

That's so exciting. I have a friend who makes things like this and sells them... So cute. I recently saw someone do an applique tie on a onesie and used ribbon and buttons to make fake suspenders.

JJ and EJ said...

Julie -- I actually DID a tie! But I wasn't that creative with the suspenders though!