Monday, January 10, 2011

Preggo Update

I had another appointment right after Christmas break and everything seems a-ok.  I had the glucose test.  Is it bad that I enjoyed the drink? ?  : )  I did suffer later from an upset tummy - maybe a little too much sweets in one day along with the glucose drink.  I haven't heard back from my doctor so I'm assuming I'm good to go there.  I also got my rho-gam shot (I think that's what it is) - since my blood type is negative and JJ's is positive.  My doc asked what M is and I don't know... I'll have to look that one up!  Everything else looked great and baby boy is an active little bugger.  The BIG news of the appointment is that I have an induction scheduled.  WOAH!  I'm trying to wrap my brain around possibly knowing when this baby will be born.  I am still in total denial that he will come close to his due date.  I guess it's not a bad thing to be ready for whatever happens, but on the other hand, if I do go full term those last few weeks/days will seem like forever.  I'm trying to get in the right mind set.  So basically I requested an induction for a few reasons.  One: with no family in the area it's just going to be nice to know so M can be taken care of.  My Mom is planning on coming the night before (if boy doesn't show up early) and hang out with us for a week (yay!!).  Two: it's during my school's spring break.  What?  A whole week off?  That I would be paid anyways and not have to use my sick leave/have days without pay??  YES please!  So here you go: if baby boy doesn't come before, we should be holding and admiring him March 16th.   


jillg said...

So fun to know the date! I haven't gotten to read your blog in a while so I've had fun catching up today!

Lyz said...

Oh, I am with you on trying to wrap your head around that one! As much as it's nice to know when - you have great reasons - it's still not quite the same as a surprise. But you definitely have that experience covered.:)

It'll be on our calendar!