Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Visits by Skype

Living away from family has forced us into the technology age of communication.  My parents got a webcam, and after JJ installed it and got skype up and running, they were good to go.  We've been trying to skype every once in a while, but finding a time that works for both parties can still be a challenge.  Especially finding a time the little missy will be on her "best" behavior. 

At first we had some technical difficulties where everything worked on our end (as in they could hear and see us) but we could only see them.  The first few skypes happened via internet AND cell phone until my parents got their sound all figured out.  Now we're good to go.  Having MVJ able to hear AND see Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Will and sometimes even Great Grandma and Grandpa has been so awesome!  She gives kissies to the screen, says, "Hi" and "Bye-bye", but beyond that seems less than interested at times.  It's kind of stressful for me because I'll try to actually have a conversation and she's buzzing around somewhere else wanting my attention, when all I really want her to do is participate in the conversation as well!  Too much to expect of a 19 month old... : )  The other day she was coloring happily, with her back to the camera, so I tried to turn her around so she was at least coloring facing my family.  Much screeching and hollering ensued... I know, I know... I should've just left her be.  At least when the baby comes he or she won't put up too much of a fuss being in front of the webcam (for a while anyways!!). 


The Elwells' Weekly said...

We use ichat (basically the same thing as skype) with my parents and brother and it is so AMAZING! We've actually been doing it since the day we brought Little L home so she is totally used to it and even goes to the computer when I ask if she wants to call Grandma or Grandpa! Even though she gets it she is still hit or miss on the interaction department.

One thing that seems to work with Little L is when she can see herself on the screen. Then she likes to play "hide and seek" with herself by "disappearing" from the screen! Too cute!

My advice, (because I am sure you are just waiting with baited breath to hear it!) is to just let it flow! I do try to angle the computer so my parents can see Little L playing, even if she isn't actually interacting with them. Eventually Miss M will "get it", even if it is only for super short periods of time. And the best part is she'll still get to see Grandma and Grandpa on a regular basis! :)

Sorry for another SUPER long comment! I keep doing that lately!

JJ and EJ said...

E -- I love reading your comments! Keep 'em coming!! : ) Our webcam doesn't move so well, but I was thinking that I could set M up in her highchair and have her coloring or something so she can be busy. I love that L's just totally used to it. Maybe M will get there too.

Lyz said...

We will be trying it out soon, so be prepared!:) And I don't mind of M is jumping around...used to it.

Really want to set up some scrapbooking via skype, tho. Seriously.