Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A "funny"?? story

MVJ has major eating issues lately.  We are so not impressed, but she will put something in her mouth, and emphatically spit it out.  She has to get every last tiny particle out of her mouth.  It is so rude and bad-mannered, but of course, she doesn't see our arguments as valid.  We were at the grocery store the other day, Hy-Vee [not IV Auntie L ; )], and  M managed to get a bite out of a muskmelon -- the outer part of the muskmelon.  She immediately began spitting it out and even grabbed my fingers to sweep her mouth to get all remaining offending scraps.  Then, she went prone on the floor (thank you JJ for all the medical terminology floating around in my head!).  This may seem weird, but I assure you this is a common occurrence.  M thinks she is hilarious by "going nuh-nigh" at various places.  Like on the stairs.  Or in her high chair.  Or on the living room floor.  Or in a restaurant.  I was about to tease her about putting her to bed when I realized this particular floor laying episode was completely nefarious; she was being naughty, not just silly.  Before I could stop her she licked the floor (remember she's still trying to get rind out of her mouth).  SO embarrassing not to mention disgusting!!   

1 comment:

Lanae Brown said...

Oh dear, she's hitting the terrible twos a little early huh? Sorry Erica, I could only laugh, because I've been there. And I know it's totally NOT funny when it's happening to you, but when it's others, you know how it feels and can't help but giggle. (like last week during church when Rylan was digging through my purse and I wasn't paying attention and he threw tampons all over the pews - nice) :)