Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My bugaboo

MVJ has had several breakthroughs lately:

1.  This last weekend my parents were here (YAY!!!) and she did so awesome.  She became buds with my Dad - she's always had a thing about not liking males, so this was definitely a breakthrough!  All of the treats and fresh fruits and yummy veggies they brought sure didn't hurt their chances of becoming BFFs.  : ) 

2.  While my parents were here, MVJ consistently told us when she had just gone poopie by pointing to her butt and saying "Poop."  Also, once she told us before she went.  I RAN, put her on the potty and cheered her on, but she screamed and refused.  Maybe too much of a production?  In any case, I'm seeing it as progress.  There have been several incidents where we've put her on right before bath time and she has just given us funny looks until we plop her in the tub and on SOME of those occasions she has peed after bath, before diaper.  Stinker!

3.  The last breakthrough is not on a positive note, sadly.  MVJ was being a monkey (Oh!  I have to tell you about one of M's favorite books - No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed! - she gets the book out and just shakes her little finger at those naughty little monkeys!  It is so funny!)  and getting on the couch, getting off the couch, getting on the couch, getting off the couch, and repeat.  Until, that is, she slipped and bonked on the coffee table.  MVJ has a big fat lip, cuts on her inner lip AND one cut on the outside of her lip.  Much blood and tears ensued.  : (


The Elwells' Weekly said...

It is always so sad when the little one gets a fat lip! Little L had one a few months ago! She'll be all better and back to "jumping on the bed" before you know it!

So exciting with the bathroom stuff though! Little L is not quite there yet...if I know she is pooping or has gone poop I'll ask her if she has a poopy diaper and she usually responds by saying "no" even though I know she knows what I mean! *sigh* Toddlers are such fun!

jillg said...

Bummer about the owie. :(

It's so fun to read about all of M's accomplishments. Sometimes I have to tell myself to calm down because A is so far behind M in a few areas... but then I remind myself three months can make a big difference.

And A loves the body parts too... toes are our newest ones this week. If you ask her in the bathtub she'll lift her foot up so far for you she'll almost tip herself over... it's pretty cute.

Thanks for doing such a good job with your updates! I'm thankful for the internet so I can still feel like I know what's going on with you guys!

Take Care!