Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to ME! ; )

So I was totally planning on taking a picture on Saturday - at this point I believe it would be the marker of week 13.  But.  We decided to eat at IHOP for breakfast and seriously at least half of my pooch Saturday midmorning was a waffle baby.  It didn't happen later Saturday and I'm just kind of a stickler for dates.  I didn't really want to take a picture Sunday because then I'd have to say "13 Weeks, 1 day".  Yeah...  So, maybe we'll get Week 14 pictures.

Work has been stressful with a capital S.  Yuck.  I can't get into the particulars but I've been thrown into a really yucky situation and there's just not a lot that I can do about it right now.  I'm juggling a pretty complex caseload while learning a whole new system and way of doing things.  Thankfully it seems like my coworkers are super supportive and want to help me.

Meatloaf tomorrow night in case you're wondering about the meal planning.  : )

I'm totally becoming a Wheel of Fortune Wheel Watchers Club member.  I'm so jealous of my friends who have gotten callbacks to be ON the show!  How cool would that be?!

I have been reading a book that I should never have picked up at this point of my life.  It's all about midwives and, guess what, this particular midwife lost a patient and did an emergency C-section and is now on trial.  Oh jeez.  Not what I need to be reading right now!

I have also picked up crocheting again.  I am SO not fancy and prefer to a) stick with the same thread throughout a project (no fancy switching to make cool patterns for this girl) and b) stick with the same pattern throughout a project (ok, I know how to chain and do a double stitch (I *think* that's what it's called!)).  Maybe some day I will venture away from it, but for now it's working for me, you know?

MVJ started saying "I love you."  Highlight of.... my life....

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