Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sneaky Mommy

I did it.  I bought the Sneaky Chef cookbook (the blue one).  I couldn't resist and it was in a book order M brought home.  How cute is that?  I had to order.  The funny thing is most of the time I feel like I need the sneakiness - not M as much!  Although, lately she has been a picky little thing - like with the spitting things out overtly and the eating cereal instead of yummmmmy Italian food at our friends' house.   

So anyways- Sneaky Chef.  You've heard of her, right?  Her ideas seem revolutionary yet doable.  It seems like there're a lot of steps involved because she has 13 methods and 13 make-aheads and other information beyond that, but I think a lot of it blends together.  So I'll share with you some of the things I learned reading the cookbook -- yes, I read it cover to cover.  THEN we'll see if I can put some of the ideas into practice - for M's health as well as baby #2, J and I.

The guiding principal is sneaky nutrition into every day foods kids love.  In fact, method #1 is pureeing superfruits and veggies to add to things like macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and french toast-- kid appealing foods.  Along with purees there are some sneaky ways to add in things like wheat germ, whole wheat flour, and even just nutritious broth or green tea instead of water in some recipes.  The recipes - even the make-aheads (the purees, flour blends, etc.) - seem simple enough -- and if they're still too complicated, the Sneaky Chef even shows some quickie in-a-pinch substitutions like baby food.  I *may* go that route for my first trial run - French Toast planned for Saturday morning -- just to get a feel for it before I go overboard and have a freezer full of purees.  I have visions of baking up a batch (or doubling it) and freezing it in ice cube trays like my SIL did with baby food.  We'll see if it gets that far... : )  I'm good about starting a fad... not quite as good at following through-- alllll the way through.  Like poor, poor DDR and then Guitar Hero and then sadly Wii Fit.  : (  Just thinking about that makes me sad.      

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