Monday, September 27, 2010

Little Monkey

MVJ is our little monkey - straight from Monkey See, Monkey Do.  I already shared how she used toilet paper to wipe over her clothes.  Mommy has been sick, so now she also "coughs" and uses a tissue.  She says, "Help you." when she needs help - I'm sure from me saying something to the effect of, "Can Mommy help you??" too many times-  when I see her trying something questionable.  There's the laundry, vacuuming, and putting away dishes.  MVJ's all time favorite thing lately is to be put in one of the front seats - preferrably the driver's side (obviously).  She quickly shuts the door and says, "Bye bye!" and begins terrorizing - radio controls, heat controls, CD in and out, play with the GPS, lights, blinker, etc. whatever she can get her grabby little hands on in the two or so minutes we indulge her.  She and Daddy went on a walk earlier today while I tried to rest some more (dang cold).  They came back a little while later and I asked how the walk had gone and where they went.  Daddy replied, "Oh, we only made it as far as the van and then M had to drive."  Stinker!

One of my favorite things she has picked up on happens just as we are about to leave for school.  I don't know how this has happened but the last thing we do before we leave is brush Mommy's teeth.  I sit her up on our countertop while I frantically brush, always at least a few minutes behind schedule.  M has begun to grab my deodorant, lift her shirt, and apply it.  Generally she gets it on her arm, or sometimes her back, but she always lifts her left arm while applying with her right.  It just cracks me up.  At least it's a hygienic habit she's picked up from us...

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