Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tidbits of Advice: The Cons

Having a baby is seriously the best thing ever in the world. When I think of that day all I can do is smile. I feel like Wonder Woman and it resulted in this absolutely perfect little thing! Buuuut, it isn't ALL roses and sunshine. Let me tell you the MOST annoying thing about childbirth I have found thus far. I am losing all my hair!!! It is coming out in clumps! SO disgusting! I honestly have to go through my hair before I shower because our drain gets clogged like none other. I could spend ten minutes combing through it with my fingers and still come back with loose strands. ICK! I sleep with my hair tied back because it gets all over my pillow and bedding. I have even found hair strands on my little girl! : ( I sometimes have to pull them out of grip if she's been up to my shoulder because hair strands have fallen on my shoulder/back. I really hope this phase gets over SOOOOON.

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Oh dear. Did I not warn you about this? Just remember that it's all borrowed hair - if not for hormones, you would have been losing it anyway during those 9 months of pregancy.

The shedding will end eventually!