Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Everyone Poops

... but especially MVJ

RETURN of the Poopetraitor. Ugh. I know you don't want to read about MVJ's bm's day after day, but seriously. Such is the life of a new momma I guess. Last night at like 4:30 (M's first wake-up -- I'll take it! We're getting oh so much closer to that target of sleeping through the night.), when Mommy was a bit bleary-eyed, M ate like a champ. Then that familiar sound of her filling her pants. Uncle CPJ knows what I'm talking about now! I waited a while. It's a tricky balance -- enough time for her to empty in her diaper, but not too much time that her bum gets diaper rash OR that the diaper spills over. I got up to change her. She has basically fallen asleep in my arms (little tricky kiddo), so I gently lay her down and start my diaper changing routine. As the cloth hits her bare skin, she squirms to life. I clean her up and as I swap out dirty diaper for clean, she poops. A lot. On the changing pad. I lift her up to clean her again and try to wipe the pad enough to get by until I can grab the stain stick. I put a receiving blanket under her so I could put the new diaper on without it getting smeared in poo on the outside. She poops again. I start getting frustrated. I fold over the receiving blanket and clean her off. She poops again. UGH. I could only laugh. What else was there? I get her cleaned and the diaper ON, finish nursing and put her to bed. Praise the Lord that she fell back asleep as I stain sticked the receiving blanket and her pj's (innocent bystander). Don't let me start in on what happened when we went to school on Tuesday -- just let me say that I RAN OUT of wipes... Oh, and check out the SUPERcute pics from school on facebook!!


Lyz said...

I can say with certainty that my kids never did that. So far. But I admire the folding the receiving blanket over technique - I'll have to remember that.:)

Those "Class of 2027" photos are awesome! Aaron was in awe.

Steph said...

Oh my gosh...that is a funny story! I'm sure it didn't seem so funny at that time of day, but you have to admit, it's a good one. That sweet lil' baby is indeed The Poopinator! (You really made me laugh this morning. So you had a similar situation at the school on Tuesday? Yikes!).