Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Batch of Kiddos!

I've been going to school quite a bit lately in preparation for next year. I can't believe it's that time again! I'm sad that my maternity leave is coming to an end. : ( I know I still have the summer, but I just have a feeling that will fly by as well! But, I AM excited that this morning we divvied out kids. We tried our best to balance kiddos, balance "crazy" parents, put kids on the same team that work well together and split those who should be apart. It is lots to consider and of course it's not an exact science, but we do our best. Mr. B, team leader, was there to lend a hand (maybe more there for the muscle?). When he heard "works hard", "good attitude", "tries his best", etc. that student magically came to our team... funny how that works! : ) I have a total of 16 kids next year and am looking forward to a smaller group. I will also be working with a new sp.ed. teacher -- Mrs. KB is my new counterpart! I'm excited to work with her, but sad that DJ will be moving to 8th grade. I know, I know, right down the hall, but he sure was a great guy to work with! There are two open spots in sp. ed. at my school and I sure hope that our amazing RT, LH, snags one of them. I really should say I hope my school snags LH!

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