Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh J-y-J

Our good friend JBP spent a few days with us visiting. He is an air traffic controller, so his "weekend" is Tuesday and Wednesday. We went to Star Trek (and, gasp, had our first babysitter!). Here are a few fun quotes of J's time with us:

1) JBP on my cricut: "A scissors costs $5."

2) JJ on JBP's Guitar Hero abilities: "That's not the way I remember the song..."

3) JBP reminiscing on a get together with M and TAF: "FIVE TA, FIVE!"

4) JJ in the middle of a slew of Chuck Norris jokes: "Did you know CN is a big conservative?" (JBP: No... why??? --- waiting for the punch line.) "Yup, he is. That's it. It wasn't a joke."

5) JBP on our nickname for MVJ: "Did you know that Chi-chi is slang for boobs in Spanish?" JJ: "Well, I guess it still works. She likes boobs."

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