Monday, May 4, 2009

Facebook Fast

I have officially joined a group on facebook that is fasting from facebook from one week. To be clear I don't think facebook is bad (or "the devil" as BIL CPJ calls it!), but I think my overuse of it is! I believe I have an easily addictive personality. I seem to jump on board things easily. This is worrisome! So for this whole week, my job is to avoid facebook and be more productive in other areas of my life. Say my prayer life for example. My reading Scripture life. My being a good mom life. (Speaking of that... my little bundle of joy was up just about every two hours last night... and peed through two outfits while changing various times in the middle of the night...).

Checking facebook is such a natural thing for me. I've had three "urges" so far. We went to Church yesterday and then headed to the Bible Study group we've joined that meets during the 10:30 service. Chi-chi (I have no idea where this nickname came from, but it seems to fit my spunky daughter's personality to a t!) was ready to eat, so I decided to head to the "breastfeeding/changing room". On the way there we saw the study leader, but he was talking to a group of people, so we just kept going. After MVJ was all fed and changed, we headed back to the room where we meet, but no one was there. Strange. On our way home, I was like, Oh! But I'm friends with the leader's wife on facebook! I can just ask her about it there... This is the communication tool I love about facebook (but has taken away from the direct contact I used to have... I even use my cellphone less).

The second time came when I happened to be thinking about a friend from jr. high. We recently became friends on facebook, and I was thinking that I hadn't checked out where she's working, her current religious views, things she enjoys doing now, etc. Yup, this is the facebook stalking part of my addiction.

The third time was when I realized I had a ton of new pics from visiting in Fargo and my recent trip to the Bizzo. I LOVE sharing pictures this way and love checking out other people's pictures as well.


AJ said...

Good job about not being defensive about facebook and being objective about your use of time. A lot of people like me can see that we spend too much time with things like that, but don't follow through with making a change.

JJ and EJ said...

Who are you and what did you do with my sarcastic BIL? : ) That was a really nice comment AJ!