Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hi-Tech Rummage Sale'n

I've been out rummage sale-ing three times so far this season and have decided I need to quit now for a while! We DON'T NEED ANY MORE STUFF! In fact, I'm also putting stuff together to give to our Church for their rummage sale! But, it's fun to get out. Fun to walk around. Browse through stuff. Buy cute things for my daughter! Lately I've really gotten into it. This is my standard preparation: 1) I go on our work email -- there are always TONS of rummage sales listed around this time. 2) I write down addresses of worthwhile sales (i.e. baby stuff). 3) I go to our newspaper's online site, where I browse through their lists of rummage sales. 4) I mapquest the addresses. 5) I order the addresses in a neat little route. 6) I bundle Chi-chi and off we go!

Today, I ended up disregarding my plans when I realized that there was a whole neighborhood of sales. So, off we went, and this time I even pulled out the stroller and we strolled along the neighboorhood checking out the deals. I didn't score too much -- there was a lot of baby boy clothes this time! After the neighborhood sale, I decided to hit up one more sale that promised lots of good stuff. I found it and found out that this sale was hot the day before and was mostly picked over. Boo. I got out my Garmin and hit "home". As I drove around in a seemingly out of the way pattern, I had a flashback to The Office when Michael and Dwight are driving with their GPS navigation. The voice tells them to take a right, and Michael all of a sudden veers to the right (nevermind the correct right turn just ahead) and drives straight into a lake as Dwight yells, "No! I think it meant the right up ahead! Wait! You're going to go right into the water!" Michael decides the technology is out to get them. It just cracked me up as I actually got right up to the river just south of Cabela's.

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