Sunday, May 17, 2009

No lessons PLEASE!

Our upstairs neighbor BB always teases that her kids are going to teach MVJ a lesson or two so that she keeps us on our toes. We love your children dearly, BB, but please, please no lessons! Here are a few of the bad things little miss JB and mister EB could teach my sweet, innocent little thing:

How to --
1) climb on the furniture to try to get out the window.
2) climb up the shelves in her closet.
3) get things out of the refrigerator (and hide them in her room -- like eggs!).
4) take off her diaper and smear poo around the room!
5) balance on the foot of brother's bed and climb up the dresser.
6) open up her piggy bank to dump coins out for little brother to play with.
7) play with the potty in big sister's potty chair.
8) break the lightbulb in the lamp that was "out of reach" on the far end of the dresser and play with the broken glass.
9) open up locks on the front door to wander around the hallway.
10) run from Mommy at the mall.
11) dump out ALL the toys in her room before bed each night.

I'm sure there are more, but truly there are great things the B children know how to do too! The naughty list is just way more astonishing!

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