Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tidbits of Advice: What NOT to buy!

So again -- please add ideas!! I'm a newbie! : )

Since my baby girl was due in March, I hit up some rummage sales last summer -- before we knew what people would send us as gifts and before we knew we were having a baby girl. I bought things that seemed useful, but I've found that some things were not needed, even if they were only $0.05!

Here's my list of what NOT to buy!

*BIBS. Last count I honestly have over 50. Some came with outfits, some as gifts on their own, and some I bought at rummage sales. My girl is a spitter at times, so it has been helpful to not be worried about her spitting up and grabbing a new one... but I did NOT need to buy any! : )

*BLANKETS. We have gotten many as gifts -- and many of them have been handmade making them super special. As Auntie LJ noted - we must really have enough if we're using some to level our carseat base...

*RECEIVING BLANKETS. I don't know how, but we've accumulated a ton. We mostly use them as extra burp rags because we have great things with the express purpose of swaddling, so we don't use the receiving blankets for that.

*PACIFIERS. We've gotten some as gifts and Miss MVJ doesn't seem to enjoy them much... yet anyways.

*BOTTLES. (We're breastfeeding...) We just felt like we would need a ton, and it seems like she'll be using a bottle like once or twice a day at the peak. Again, this is just my speculation... maybe I'll find them superuseful later... ??


*CRIB BUMPER. I didn't realize there was a "controversy" over these things. I guess babies can roll into them and suffocate! : ( But, then I've also heard if you don't have one, baby can get his/her arms stuck in the crib rails. So, I guess you can choose. We'll probably take ours down once MVJ gets more mobile.


Lyz said...

The crib bumper really is debatable. Mine keeps the pacifier in the crib! I've never had a kid get their head anywhere close to being stuck in it, although an arm or leg has gotten underneath occaisionally. Mostly I just like how it looks.:)

Different hospitals give away different things, but it's not a bad idea to keep things in their packages until you actually need them.

There IS such a thing as too many bibs/blankets/receiving blankets, as you've found out. You can always donate them.:)

Lanae Brown said...

At least you know you can keep the blankets, bibs and bottles for her to use when she plays with her dolls someday!

Amy said...

I know what you mean about the crib bumpers,but when I saw a tiny arm sticking out of our crib bars, I found a mesh bumper that I love!