Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's her world... I'm just living in it!

When I think about myself or my life right now, I absolutely can't separate myself from my daughter. It seems like I don't have a life outside of her. This is not a negative in my opinion! I am so blessed to have this little thing that is absolutely dependent on her father and me. Her new thing the last couple of nights is to be WIDE awake at about 10 pm at night. Ready for action. Not in any way ready for sleep! Her bassinet is right next to our bed, so we know when she's ready for sleep and when she's not! Living in an apartment, we are probably much quicker to respond than we would be if we lived in our own space. (SIL LJ had a good idea -- we could bring treats and earplugs to our neighbors!) Last night MVJ just wailed and wailed for quite a while (it seemed like FOREVER, but really all out wailing probably only lasted about 20 minutes). She's just such a good natured baby generally that it caught us off guard. At times I even find myself scolding her and then have to remind myself that she's four weeks old... maybe I should cut her some slack! When do babies get into a routine? When do Mommies lose the blur from not getting a full eight hours of sleep in one whole shot? I'm just so glad that I have quite a bit of time off from work because I don't NEED to accomplish anything right night besides caring for my lovebugs.

1 comment:

Lyz said...

I hate to tell you this, but I STILL get excited if I get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Babies (mine, anyways...) find a routine around 2 months old. Hopefully. I mean, each one is different!

You are doing a great job, E.