Thursday, March 12, 2009

Identity Crisis?

When I was growing up, I was often referred to as "W's sister", especially at hockey rinks and such. At family reunions it would be "MW's granddaughter" or "EK/WK's daughter" or "FK's granddaughter", etc. Later, in the J family, I became "JJ's wife". Or when we moved to WC, I was "B and C's daughter-in-law". Now, I have quickly jumped into the role of "MVJ's Mom".

I do have another identity these days: Suzie Homemaker! I have been cooking up a storm and loving it. I'm not the best chef by any means, but I've enjoyed trying some old favorites and some new ones. I grocery shop every Tuesday, so I plan out my meals for the week and make sure we have the ingredients we need. If I were an accomplished cook like JJ, I would know how to substitute or plan meals around what we already have. Consequently, so far I have ensured the jobs of many workers at our local grocery store! Every week I'm trying to do better and can gauge better how many leftover meals we will have. I've also been quite the baker. I baked banana bread, corn bread (with blueberries), toffee oatmeal cookies, peanut butter with kisses cookies, etc! And people ate them!

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