Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Babysitting the B's

Yesterday, the B's had an ultrasound (BB is H-U-G-E, poor thing, and the doc wanted to see if she should go early because she's already had two relatively large babes and she is a tiny lady). Since it's Spring Break, TB could go with, so I babysat JB and EB. Mommy and Daddy got them ready and fed them breakfast, so my only job was to play! It was fun! The only downside was I had no voice! On Friday I started getting a bit raspy and it has just gotten worse since then. I don't have any cold symptoms and feel just fine... I just can't talk. It's annoying! And what did the kiddos want to do? Read books. Of course! I basically whispered through them (like If You Give a Pig a Pancake... FOUR times) ; ), which worked because the kiddos were quiet trying to listen.

MVJ hung out with us too. I put her in their baby papasan, but she cried, so I put her on the couch, but the kiddos were a little too interested for me to just leave her there. It seemed that all I was saying to EB was "No." One time he chanted, "No, no, no." While I was in the middle of one of the books, MVJ peed through a diaper! All of a sudden my leg was wet! It was the first time THAT has happened! Poor MVJ, it seems that all I talk about are her pees and poops! But, anyways, I got up to change her and the B's are all interested. JB and EB come into the room with the changing table and JB has every question in the book for me. What's that? What are you doing? And even, "Does she have a vagina or a penis?" I said, "Well, she's a little girl." Without skipping a beat: "Oh, vagina then. Are you using butt cream?" (EB has had a major diaper rash and butt cream is essential at their house at the moment!) "Is her butt all clean?" You know, she is more experienced than I am with this whole diapering thing, so maybe I should be asking her the questions! ; )

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