Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lots of excitement!

JJ, M and I have been BUSY lately! She has been a trooper with getting packed up and heading out! It was JJ's spring break, so on Wednesday we headed to visit LJ, AJ and family. We love visiting the AJ family! Hanging out with niecey LJ and nephew BJ, eating yummy food (including all out deserts Wednesday night!), playing games (a new one this time -- Ticket to Ride -- highly recommend it -- and not just because I *almost* won the second time we played!), and this time even attending their Bible study with them!

Friday morning, we had to get up early because of a play date I scheduled at the mall play place. M and I played with the B's and also LB (a friend from work) and her two kiddos -- RB and MB. The kiddos did a great job running around playing. Little MB (about 8 1/2 mo.) will be up chasing her brother in no time! We crashed at home in the afternoon and then M and I went to a baby shower for AB-E and baby RE, who is about 3 weeks older than MVJ. We had an impromptu photo shoot with MVJ and RE. They are so dang cute and about as different as can be. RE has beautiful light reddish hair and MVJ is just so dark. Then we headed home to clean up a bit and unpack from the J's.

Saturday, M and I headed to Perkins for a little baby shower for the O's (MO and PO are adding another boy to their family of MO and FO). CJ was so kind to set it up and it was fun to go eat with just "the girls" (we allowed baby boy J in CJ's tummy to join us). I hadn't seen AO in quite some time! Then, we went home and SM, a friend from work, came over with her sister LM and daugher H to bring MVJ a gift and hang out! Little H is so cute! JJ got home from work and it was all over -- she had a huge crush on him! heehee!

Sunday JJ had to work at 6 am. Yeck! MVJ and I headed to Church at 10, where little miss M decided to be awakies the whole time! She was busy, busy, busy in my lap. After Church, a few ladies came up and commented on how BEAUTIFUL this little girl is! Friend MM, who signs during Church, came and promised to get together after Easter.

Then, back home again, home again. Phew! I think a relaxing Monday will be JUST FINE! : )


. said...

yes! ticket to ride has infultraited another family!


JJ and EJ said...

Yes! JJ totally kicked my can, so if you have some advice, I'm all ears!! : )