Monday, March 30, 2009

She looks like MVJ!

The big debate is on. Who does MVJ look like?? There are varied opinions on the subject. Personally, I think she is a carbon copy of JJ when he was a baby. I can just see so much J in her. She has a darker tint to her skin, like cousins LJ and BJ. She has hair - and lots of it - and it seems like it's staying (even if it's lightening up)! (My brother and I were completely bald.) And of course, I would be remiss if I didn't talk about the J forehead. Cousin KC, who from pictures seemed to suffer a bit from hydrocephaly (there's a picture of her blocking out the sun with her head...), seemed concerned for poor MVJ that she would have a big forehead as well. Right now I think it's middle of the road -- not too big or small.

JJ says her eyes are mine. My Grandma maintains she looks just like me. RJ, JJ's mom, who saw MVJ in person for the first time Friday night, is just positive she looks like me. Many friends and family have said she looks like JJ. I think my family sees both JJ and I. Who knows? For one thing, she's just 7 weeks (today!) and a lot can change! For another, I'm sure she'll have traits from both of us. I just can't wait to see what the future holds for little miss MVJ.

1 comment:

Lyz said...

OH, that game kind of stinks. And I can never tell who babies look like, anyway. Although MVJ does remind me (in temperament, ect.) an awful lot of my Leah - except she never had that much hair!