Thursday, June 16, 2011

#31: Playdate with friends from work

I had to write this on the list (do you see that things just keep getting crossed off!  Woohoo!) because we always say we need to get together and it just does not happen enough!  The other day I met up with one friend (D) and her three year old little man, T.  We had planned to go to a really fun water park, but the weather did NOT cooperate and we were rained out.

Instead we headed to a local mall for a really fun play place play date and a quick trip to Zonkers.  I thought M would have an absolutely blast - there was a little train, a climbing area, tons of arcade games AND a carousel!  After buying a few tokens and tickets, we went to T's all time favorite spot: ski ball!  : )  The kiddos looked so cute rolling the balls because T got a few to roll all the way to the end and I don't think M ever made it that far.  I ended up standing between them because they both had a wicked slice... or hook?  Hook, definitely a hook.

Then D suggested we do something M would like to do.  I thought for sure, without a doubt her most favorite thing would be the carousel.  It was a no go!  I could not believe it.  She would not get on it on her own at all and poor T ended up riding by himself, not that he seemed to mind!  In the end, the only other thing M would do is this mechanical horsey that was less impressive than the free one at our local grocery store.  Oh well, the kiddos did have a good time hanging out together and D and I got to chat a little too!  

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