Saturday, June 11, 2011

Update on C!

Goodness!  It's been so long and as you know, so much happens in the life of a baby in these early(ish) weeks!

The C-ster loves to sleep. and eat. and sleep. and be held.  Basically, if he is being held, and/or is being fed, he's good to go.  He is a smiler and a half and I can't wait to see his personality emerge!  He does get cranky about 6:30 it seems, and generally goes to bed about 8:00-8:30 for the night.  I was telling J that he sort of is getting a schedule down and then I laughed out loud as I realized his schedule is nap in the morning.  Nap in the afternoon.  Nap in the early evening.  Sleep well at night.  Hey - works for me!

One thing C does well that his sister did less than a handful of times: take a bottle!  HUGE RELIEF!  This was amazing as I went back to work for eleven days (but who was counting?) at the end of the school year.  It also came in handy when JJ and I went on a date a few weeks ago!  Woohoo!  ; )  He will take a paci now and then, but loves to snack on his wrist these days!

Another one of C's favorite things, it seems, is to just hang out with big sister.  He LOVES watching her run around, listening to her sing, and get showered with kissies from her.  The other day he was a crabby pants, and she came over and starting putting smiley face stickers on him and told him to be a happy boy.

C rolled over the day before I went back to work - but we haven't seen it since.  J is pretty sure his big head just pulled his body enough to the side that he rolled!  : )  Either way, he did it three times in one morning!  He loves to kick and punch and is starting to enjoy his little farm mobile toy.  

C is my little chubby bunny -- you did read about all the eating and sleeping right?  Here're his stats from his two month appointment:

22.5 in. (35th percentile)

13 lb. 4 oz. (!!) (84th percentile)

Head Circ.
39.5 cm. (40th percentile)

Big Sis showing how it's done!
There are some cool things to look at under here!
M supervising...
Such a strong neck - but not quite ready for the bumbo... we'll try again later!


Lyz said...

First: Cster is so completely adorable! Can't wait for the cuddles!

Second - M is a fantastic big sister!

But third: WHERE did you a Bumbo cover?! That is fantastic!

JJ and EJ said...

Yes and yes! : )

Etsy (of course!!) -- I did see some covers at Target the other day (but not quite as cute!) ; )