Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Update on M---M's words!

M's speech has just continued to blossom and we love listening to her chatter away.  She's still such a mimicker, but uses words from books or things we've said at appropriate times later.  She hasn't quite mastered pronouns and MOST of the time refers to herself as M (hardly ever using "I" or "me").  She is also in the questioning stage, big time.  It's interesting though.  Instead of "why" she often uses "where".  "Where is the _____?"  Her favorite lines are, "M go like this..." (when replaying something she's done -- especially one she's gotten accolades for!) and "What M do today?" (when telling about her day).

As we looked through some pictures of friends' (A&B O) new baby, she just kept oohing and aahing and in sweet excitement said, "Oh my goodness!" several times!  Last night before bed, after we read three stories, rocked, prayed and rubbed back, she decided she needed Daddy to come in and start the process over again at rocking.  I said, "No." kissed her and turned to leave.  As I was exiting stage left, she said, "There's no need to cry."  : )  Her best buddy, JH was very sick (like hospitalization sick -- poor little guy!  He's doing very well now, just so you know!) and M was beside herself with worry.  She would say, "J not feeling so well!" and would ask over and over to see his picture on the computer.

She has also told me she "needs her privacy" as she goes to the bathroom and also is my biggest cheerleader in whatever I am doing.  I've heard, "Good job Mommy!  I'm so proud of you!" while I finish my meal, or wash my hands after going to the bathroom, etc.  What a stinker!  A sweet stinker, but a stinker nevertheless!  She does have three made up words that she uses consistently: boyoak, lilling and byka.  She is very proud of them and uses them with a twinkle in her eye!

M is pretty good about being polite and for the most part she is pretty sincere with her apologies.  BUT one thing that she's started doing is prompting us to say sorry for things, like we have prompted her.  For example, she will say, "I'm sorry that I didn't get you a sucker." (wanting ME to apologize to her!)  Stinker!

M is still an avid reader, and can fill in most of her "regulars", but catches me having her read and then wants me to do it.  She has become an "I Spy" fan --- we've gotten a few of the lowest level ones -- with the picture of the item to find in the big picture -- and she loves them!

She is very in tune with emotions (still) and gets a bit up in arms if I'm paying attention to bro-bro when "Baby is happy right now!"  I guess she thinks as long as he's happy I should be playing with her!

One of the things that tugs at our heartstrings the most is when one of us comes back from doing something (*especially* if we have left during a nap or before she went to bed) and she runs up to us and says "Mommy! (or Daddy) You came BACK!"  

1 comment:

Lyz said...

All of her "stinker" ness is just testimony to what a great mom you are. She's just repeating all the praise, encouragement, and appropriate appologizing that she's heard her whole life! Good job, Mommy!

And yes, it's totally hilarious, too.:)