Monday, June 13, 2011

#59; Get hair cuts!

Do you like how I'm just adding to my list?  Do you ever do that?  If I finish something not on the list, sometimes I'll add it and then cross it off immediately.  It just feels so good!

M and I were due for haircuts so I made appointments for both of us! 

M got to go to Shear Madness, thanks to a coupon from daycare lady M.  M walked into the uber kid friendly store and admired all of the trinkets in the "Uniquey Boutiquey"!  Then she picked out her vehicle -- a pink jeep (the same one friend S chooses!).  Everything was all good until the cape came out.  Then M wanted nothing to do with it -- even with her hands totally out, a Barbie dancing video, AND a sucker!  I had to hold her while she was in the vehicle!  Stinker!  The lady managed to trim about 1/4" off and we called it a day.  In the parking lot she said she'd choose the red car next week and since then has chatted about the sucker.  Hopefully our next go round goes better!

I also chopped my hair!  Four inches, baby.  I'd've liked to hold out for Locks of Love, but it just didn't happen this time.  I've started losing my hair from the pregnancy and with the humidity, well, I was just done.  DONE I tell you and needed a chop.  So here it is:


Lyz said...

Super cute! M will do better next time, I promise. Adam was nuts the first time, and since then has been a peach.

JJ and EJ said...

Well, this is M's fifth hair cut... so....... yeah..... ; )