Monday, June 13, 2011

Update on J!

J... is officially... a SECOND YEAR med student!  What a year!  I still can't believe he has one year under his belt.  I am amazed at the amount of knowledge he took in and is able to spit out.  He continues to wrestle with what he wants to do - what to specialize in which leads to where to do his residency.  If we want to move closer to home, that certainly dictates what he could do.  There are only certain residencies that can be done in our home state.  I don't want him to be limited by that, but what I do want to keep in the back of my mind (ok, his mind!) is which jobs could bring him back to the upper midwest.  So, basically, it may be awhile before we move to our "permanent" home.

I believe that he really would do well in whatever field he chooses, but he is so awesome with kids, I think a pediatric specialty is kind of his calling.  The only thing that stinks about that is the poor compensation compared to the adult counterpart of the same specialty.  It is ridiculous.  And, while it's sad to consider, we do have to pay his loans back and would like me to be able to stay home, so pay is a real thing to keep in mind.

I joke about when he's "making the big bucks" and he gives it right back to me with "well, when you're a principal".  Ha.  NO WAY would I EVER want that job!!

J also bought himself his Christmas/birthday/Father's Day present(s) with new golf clubs, shoes, AND a kitchen-aid!  Have I ever told you it's bad when J is home too much?  He starts researching things and finding the best deal possible and then just can't possibly pass it up.  He's been out golfing quite a bit with this golf pass thing he bought (which is awesome - good exercise and enjoying a hobby he loves).  We got our kitchenaid just at the end of last week, but the list of things he'd like to make with it are astounding.  I better figure out a permanent workout routine to somewhat maintain my weight (never mind losing any weight this summer!).

He's also been put to work painting things to get ready for C's big move!  He'll soon move into "his room" which is currently the "guest room" -- don't worry guests, we WILL move him back to our room with the pack 'n play if you come to stay!  With that move, M's "tea room" will move into her room.  Phew!  Here's a quick picture of my little painter:

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