Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Update on E!

So I did go back to work - yay.  And now I'm home for the summer - double YAY!  The kids did awesome getting up and going to our favorite daycare lady's (M) house.  I *think* for the most part, C did pretty well - often times when I came to pick them up, I'd either find a hungry boy, that I fed there OR a sleepy boy that I took home to feed.  He ate twice while he was there and I was able to keep up with pumping at work (not my most favorite activity, but, you know, I'm all about the breast milk when possible!).  Actually, along with that, J took out some formula (we've gotten a few freebie cartons in the mail) and I found myself completely offended.  It was an interesting reaction and I wasn't sure where it came from.  It was like, "How dare you think I can't provide for my child!".  Weird.  I worked through that and was thankful we had it - just in case!  *By the way, here's my caveat.  I can't imagine not at least trying to breastfeed.  From there I totally understand that it just does NOT work for some mommies/some babies/some situations.   

My M adores babysitter M and her two kiddos, J and S.  She also found a new favorite activity while there, squirting with just a regular spray bottle.  Silly kiddo!

I was able to transition back into my job.  So the first day, I was there with my long-term sub, and she just pretty much filled me in all day.  The second day, everyone who had EVER had anything to ask me or tell me found me.  I was bombarded.  The third day I was like, "Hello kiddos!  I'm back!"  Then I had about eight days left, which included a fifth grade celebration day, a last full day, a last half day (with yearbook signing and stuff), and a last day with just staff (to CLEAN and organize!).  So basically I had just enough time to wrap up a lesson or two, complete my progress monitoring (just barely!) and say good bye!  It was kind of a whirl-wind, which sort of worked out for the best - kept my mind from being wrapped up in being away from my kiddos for sure!

I have found that being home with JJ makes me a somewhat lazy person.  I'm trying to get out of that!  It just seems like when I was home on maternity leave, and then when he was in his finals weeks, I worked hard to get everything done.  Now that he's home, I'm like, "I'll just sit and feed the baby........ and I'll let you cook and clean up!"  See how that works for me??

I have started back exercising.  I love it - it makes me feel so good!  I've been jogging with the jogging stroller several times and just the other day I couldn't fall back asleep about 6 am so I decided to head out by myself.  My theory is to get as far out as possible so my only choice is to get back home.  You know what I mean?  So I start playing mind games.  Just jog to the corner store.  You can do that.  It's easy.  Now keep going - you can make it to the post office.  Hey - let's google map this jog - so make sure you go to the next actual street so you can record how far you went.  That next street was easy - now you're going to make it to 119th street!  It's all about the mind games.  In total I ended up jogging (not counting my warm up/cool down walk) a little over three miles!  Woohoo!  I'll take it!

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