Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#7: Farmer's Market!!!

I heart fresh fruits and vegetables and thankfully so does the rest of my family (well, time will tell with C, but one thing is for sure - he's a great eater at the moment!).  AND we have a few farmers markets to choose from in our area, including one just a few blocks away from our house - seriously, we could walk if wanted to.  I went there the other day with the kiddos and still being a little early in the season, there were only about ten vendors, but, man oh man, we did not leave empty handed!

Look at those sweeties!  I mean, the veggies!  The veggies were awesome!  AND I could NOT resist a trip back in time.  A much simpler time.  When my all time favorite thing to do was pick peas from the garden.  Man oh man.  I would stand for hours picking peas, shucking them and eating them --- mostly on the spot.  Then when I left for college, I would come back to ice cream pails full of peas lovingly picked and saved just for me.  Sweet, sweet memories.  While our only garden is currently of the window box herb variety, I was at least able to do two of the tree things mentioned above with my girl.  This was a tradition that was very easy to pass on!

And the rest of that bounty?  It quickly got roasted, and turned in to the most amazing tomato sauce ... ever...  Add some homemade noodles (all done by JJ of course) and well.  Heaven.  So there you go.  We found Heaven at the local Farmer's Market!

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