Friday, December 10, 2010

More on my big girl...

Last night, M told us she was poopin' (which is interchangeable for going potty right now) - we're working on her saying she has to GO potty rather than she IS going.  But, she did get much praise for telling us - Daddy gave her the ole' pep talk about how proud we are of her and we want her to tell us before so she can go on the big girl potty, etc.  Afterward, I gave her the usual choice of diaper, OR pull-up OR big girl undies (the ones with PRINCESSES on them!).  She chose big girl undies.  A little later JJ decided to take out the garbage and get the mail.  M has become a little clingy about, "Where's Daddy going?  Why's Daddy leaving??" so we just decided to all pile in the van to take this short jaunt.  Leaving our little parking lot we saw some beautiful lights down a street close by.  We did the chore-part of the trip, and then decided to go drive around looking at lights.  It was so much fun!  And it reminds me of many times doing that as a kiddo.  THEN we realized - she's got big girl undies on!  Oh boy!!  But, she stayed dry the entire time - all the way, in fact, until bath time!

THEN, at bedtime, M decided she wanted to sleep in her big girl bed (!!).  What's more, she decided she didn't only want her baby blankie, but she wanted a big girl quilt!  Of course she ALSO wanted Mommy to lay next to her.  I told her that I'd sit next to her on the floor and rub her back for a little bit.  We said our prayers, listened to some lullaby music and kissed Stell-Stell (M's baby).  Any time I rustled, she looked at me sternly and said, "Sit."  I left after a bit and she cried.  I gave her a little time, but it became apparent that she was out of bed.  I went back in and told her that if I needed to come in again, I would be putting her in her crib.  We had one quick cuddle session where I rubbed her back, and then I put her back down and she laid down like a big girl.  I told JJ what was happening and he couldn't believe it.  In the past, she's always begged for her crib.  I'd put her in her big girl bed, rub her back, etc. and she'd cry, "Crib!  Crib!"  On our way to bed, we checked and there she was, just snoozing away in her big girl bed.

About 10:30, she was crying so I rushed in (I wanted big girl bed to be a positive experience!).  She was still in her bed, so I praised her for that, but it seemed like she had had a bad dream.  She had her arms out weird and didn't want me to rub her back, didn't want me to rock her, but she was just crying, crying.  I finally just sat with her in my lap for a little bit.  Then she got out of my lap and crawled right back into her big girl bed and laid down.  She's still there now...

Such a BIG GIRL!

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