Thursday, October 14, 2010

To Do List

I am a list person.  I LOVE lists.  However, my To Do List just seems to get longer and longer.  When I get home I just like to spend time with M.  She is a helper - so we usually get a load of laundry done if needed as well as loading or unloading the dishwasher.  While I maybe get a thing or two crossed off my list, it seems like ten things get added.  M does go to bed somewhat early (7:30ish so I don't feel too bad about her wake up time!), but then I usually have "homework" and of course need to catch up on facebook and my bloglist!  Priorities!  ; )  JJ comes home beat from his crazy schedule.  How do people do it?  As it stands, a lot of things get saved for Saturday morning (and then sometimes we have an outting planned or JJ is able to be home for a brunch before heading off to school)... so that usually turns to Saturday nap time (and then sometimes I want to take a nap too)...  so that usually turns to Saturday after M goes to bed (and then I get quite a bit done but I can't get it all done in one evening).  So back to the piling up...   


The Elwells' Weekly said...

I hear ya girl! It's all about the priorities but how do you prioritize? Right?

I'll tell you that I have struggled with that so much (and I only work part time!) What I recently discovered just a while ago is that we just need to go to the Throne Room of Grace and ask our Father to show us what we need to do, what order to do it in, and then the grace to do it! It seems so simple but it truly has worked for me! I feel like my load is getting lighter, more things are getting done, and I actually don't mind doing most of them (most of the time!) :)

Sorry if that sounds a little preachy or cheesy but it is SO true! He'll take our load if we let Him!

Love you girl!

AJ said...

This is why me working part time and Liz talking about home schooling comes up. Seems like it just gets harder and harder to take a step back and take a look at life. Just feels like surviving sometimes.

JJ and EJ said...

EE - Thanks for that awesome reminder. I need to be better about giving EVERYTHING up to God. Glad it's not just me... : )

AJ - I know, I'm like, OK, I'm feeling this way with one kid... what will happen with one more?!