Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our Neighbors... : (

Our fabulous neighbor family of five girls had to move.  : (  I was commenting to one of the girls that I liked their Halloween decorations and then one of them said, "Yeah, but we have to take them down.  We're moving." 

I asked the Mom about it later and she said, "Actually we're being evicted."  I was like oh jeez, how do I ALWAYS get in conversations where I feel like my foot should be ten inches down my throat?!  I was all, "You don't have to share the details!  I'm sorry I'm being so nosy!" 

She explained, "No, no, it's ok, we are getting housing through my husband's company - they have a housing finder that relocates families and they set us up here.  BUT apparently there are rules about how many people can live in each apartment and we exceed a three bedroom by one person." 

Basically the place we live should've been aware how many people were moving in -- this family was never trying to hide anything.  The Mom was upset, too, because her husband is gone Monday through Friday anyways (he sells orthopedic equipment in a five-state region).  I told her that we'd take a kid every weekend if that would help!  Anyways, they had to move, and they had to move fast.  The place we live only gave them two weeks to move (ridiculous).  Hubby's company was going to be helping them move, but still you have to do a lot of work to get that process taken care of - and with five kiddos.  Oh my!  AND it was by NO fault of their own.  My frustration with the situation didn't help anything, but I really feel for the family. 

Then, later we found out that the place they were supposed to move to was a total dump.  The Mom (and Dad I'm assuming -- I just know the Mom much better because the Dad is always gone for work) decided to move the family into a hotel for two weeks so they could sort everything out.  OUR place wouldn't give them an extension in any way.  Creeps.  I really hope nothing goes wrong with us because they certainly don't seem to want to help out in any way...

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