Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The patient: MVJ, 20 months
The symptoms: cold that started with a snotty nose, progressed to a crusty nose with a cough that continued to get worse and lasted for more than four days, waking up in the middle of the night, appetite seemed affected, fingers in mouth constantly

Appointment with a NP, Monday at 4pm
The tests: interview with patient's mother, chat with patient : ), checked oxygen level, checked throat, checked ears, (brave) finger sweep of mouth, listened to chest and heart

Momma's fear: some kind of chest cold (one of M's teachers at school - the one there right away in the morning for an hour or two - who is VERY kind but not super-duper intelligent said that, "Oh yeah, one of M's classmates had been out sick with a coughing disease..." WHAT coughing disease?  Whooping cough???  Anyways, not a good bug to put in a Mom's ear when I say that M's been coughing all weekend - I'll be calling at noon to see if she seems to have gotten better or worse to know if I should make a doctor's appointment.

NP's diagnosis: MORE TEETH.  I thought she had them all the way M's mouth is full of teeth and the way it seems like she's always getting them.  Plus, which seems to happen most of the time with new teeth, she has an ear infection in her left ear and fluid on her right one.  Good thing M LOVES taking medicine and always asks, politely of course, for more please!!


The Elwells' Weekly said...

Sorry to hear Miss M isn't feeling the best but praying she will get those new teeth in quickly and get over all that other yucky stuff!

Little L is fighting a cough/runny nose right now but thankfully it isn't too bad. Funny you said that her fingers are in her mouth all the time cause so are Little L's! I figured she was getting more teeth (which explains some of her crankier moods as of late...I hope!)

Love the Appointment account...can definitely tell you have a med student in your midst!

AJ said...

So was it the ear or teeth? Usually avoid telling people anything is secondary to teething because it seems like everything is blamed on teething. Lots of new germs down in KC I am sure. Hopefully she is feeling better.

JJ and EJ said...

Yes... I consulted JJ for a few terms, EE ; ).

AJ -- not sure which came first I guess. But, she did happen to be getting teeth and also did happen to have one ear infection and one with water behind it.

I've been sick, too, darn those new KC germies!