Sunday, October 3, 2010

National Card-Making Day

Last night.

7pm: Daddy down for the count (not feeling well).
7:20pm: M down because she was too crabby to make it to between 7:30 and 8.

Me... twiddling my thumbs.  I decided it was time.  Time to go into the craft room closet.  I originally thought I would organize my photos.  I felt like I had lost some and didn't even know where I had left off in the THREE albums I keep going.  (Our family album, M's 2nd album which has yet to be started but is here complete with a lot of fun paper and accessories to use!, and my Dad's album that I gave him as a present a while ago and just keep filling little by little).  While rummaging around the closet I found a CM kit to make Christmas cards that I had bought like two years ago... I had a magical thought that if I made them now I wouldn't get so busy at Christmas time that I missed yet another chance to use them.  I got myself all settled in in front of the TV with all the supplies I needed to complete my craft.

I learned a few things.  #1: I have ENOUGH supplies that I don't need to buy kits to make cards.  #2: Kits are kind of finicky (i.e. Cut a 4x5.25 piece of dark blue paper.).  #3: I am way too Type A to not follow the directions, including the exact sticker saying they used on each card --- what if one I chose to replace it was needed elsewhere?!  #4: Using a kit, however, takes the guesswork out of it - follow steps and viola!  You have a card (or 18).  #5: After cards are made, you can still add your own flair -- for me the glitter glue (I have ALL THREE packs!) my BFF gave me for last Christmas... or two Christmases ago ??  I can't remember now but I love them so much and use them all the time!

Today I found out that yesterday was in fact National Card-Making Day.  I guess it was meant to be. 

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