Tuesday, October 19, 2010

She dances too!

M-girl has always been a mover and groover - really from the time she was in my tum-tum.  That is yet another way this pregnancy is different.  This new little person (well... while still only 18 weeks along) is pretty laid back.  I'll feel a bump or two but not to the extent M was always all over the place wiggling and bouncing around.

Anyways, back to big sister!  So M has always loved to dance and beebop around.  Now she's adding singing to her repertoire (YES, spelled right without spell checker!! I think I always forget the second "r" or something...).  I think the unit at school this month... let's see, it's only the 19th... I probably should've figured out the unit before now.  Bad, bad Mom.  WOW.  I am off track a lot this post.  Sorry... I'm claiming preggo brain!

OK.  I think the unit is music.  M sings wherever she goes.  She'll start the ABC song, which will inevitably turn into Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  She also sings The Itsy Bitsy Spider (or did for a while, now when I try to get her started she'll look at me very seriously and say, "No Spider.") complete with actions - if you're lucky.  Another favorite is Baa Baa Black Sheep.  Randomly she'll belt out, "Yes, sir!  Yes, sir!" OR "Baa, baa black sheep." but usually not together.

Her teachers at school, too, have noticed her vocabulary shooting up.  She is quite the talker.  We love, love the fact that we can tell her, "Use your words." and she does!  Most of the time anyways.  Communication by hitting or scratching still occurs... strangely usually about 20 or so minutes before sleepytime...


Jessica said...

No Spider...love it!
Henry was much more laid back in the womb too and still is (David was a mover and still is). I wonder if it's because their older sib made their mommy apartment roomier for them? :) Hope things are going well in KC.

AJ said...

How about a facebook video with a little song my Mads?