Thursday, June 11, 2009


They grow up SO fast!

I have heard that warning again and again and again, but I swear I've been trying to cherish every moment and pay attention to when she's growing and changing. But, yesterday it just hit me. She's not a new little baby. It all started when we got to meet our newest little nephew, Mr. AHJ, all of three days old! He is just the cutest, sweetest thing by the way! But holding him. It's just like nothing. There's no weight there! He's SO tiny! AND he was two pounds more than MVJ. When was she like that??! JJ and I reasoned that she always had to be bundled up, and that seemed to bulk her up a bit. But, still, I just can't even remember holding such a tiny little thing! And his new baby coloring! MVJ looked dark like him in the beginning and now she's a whitey Mcwhiteson just like her mommy! And the neck control! I had to be ever so careful, because now I can pretty much leave MVJ's head to its own devices - she's got it pretty well under control. Oh, and those baby noises! The teeny little baby noises! Oh my goodness --- SO much has changed! And she's only four months old! YUP, that's right! She just celebrated the big four months on Tuesday! We were in Bismarck for my friend's wedding, so we dragged along the big carebear we use for our monthly photoshoots!

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Whereas, I, AHJ's mommy, was a bit nervous when I first met MVJ, cause she was just so tiny, and newborns haven't been in my house much!

But now? Poor AH just gets twisted and pushed all over to get him dressed...