Friday, June 26, 2009

Just a few quotes...

SIL LJ on MVJ's looks (as well as her kiddos'): "The J genes are very strong!"

Doctor buddy (pediatrician) on why MVJ doesn't like him: "She smells the fear of other children on me!"

Nephew (3y.o.) BJ on the birthday present he was handing me (still wrapped): "Water guns! Water guns!"


AJ said...

Nice Birthday present Eh? Somehow our kids used them and we have them in our house now. There is only so much you can stretch, "It's the thought that counts."

JJ and EJ said...

heehee! I was just thinking I didn't have ANY of the three guns I was given! Oh, and JJ ate my caramel that I was saving as a special treat. Jerk. I guess I should've just devoured it right away! : )