Monday, June 29, 2009

Back to Life

MVJ is totally out of sync. We got home last night after traveling since Tuesday. She was ready to be home. She cried for the last hour of the trip and we KNEW that the only thing she wanted was to be out of her carseat, so the only thing we could do was just truck along as quickly and safely as possible. I did not say as sanely as possible. I get rather tense when my baby's going hoarse from crying and I can't do anything but assure her Daddy's getting us home as quickly and safely as possible!

We enjoyed lots of time with family and friends, but regular naps and bedtimes just didn't happen as easily. Plus there was an hour time change thrown in there just for funsies. She did a lot of sleeping ON others, so today, for example, she felt she needed to be held all day. She nursed like every two hours too. Man! A friend, MO, thought it might have something to do with feeling secure and familiar with it. I'm guessing, that and a possible growth spurt?

Now I've been working on uploading pictures from the big day. For some reason our computer is naughty and I can only upload five pictures at a time on facebook and it takes for-ev-er. Blegh. But, I'm trucking through because I think I got a few good ones. Basically a montage of MVJ sleeping on various family members, some ridulous dancing at the wedding, and lots and lots of Js (with a mix of some Cs, Ss and Bs!). I'm throwing in some pics from the Bizzo zoo as well. We hit up the N Family Picnic -- my Grandma's side of the family -- for good measure. MVJ just hadn't had enough of the game "Pass the Baby"! : )


Anonymous said...

When I tried to upload picture of Alex's wedding so Carrie could see them right away, it did the same thing. It takes forever to upload almost 80 pictures when you can only do four or five at a time! Dumb facebook... and yet I love it. ;)

JJ and EJ said...

WOW - you were a trooper! I think I only had 30-some pictures to upload. My sentiments exactly!! Facebook and I have a love-hate relationship! : )