Monday, June 8, 2009

The Poopertraitor Vs. The Wedding

...duh duh duuuuuh...

My friend KKL asked me to be a reader and cake cutter in her wedding and JJ to be their videographer. We were honored -- especially since she planned on having a very small wedding. They got married June 7th, a Sunday, because they wanted to get married outside at a park that was only available (around the time they were looking anyways) on a Sunday. Well, Mother Nature had other ideas for their wedding with SNOW coming that day! Their wedding had to be moved inside, but KKL did SO well. She was so calm and easy going. I was very proud of her! KKL was absolutely radiant. Seriously. BEAUTIFUL bride! Her dress (think Jenna Bush with a slightly lower back v) was stunning!

We get to the Church about a half-hour before the ceremony is supposed to begin. MVJ is so cute in a green polka dot dress, JJ so handsome in his light blue dress shirt and goldish tie, and me, well, I don't know about cute or handsome, but I was wearing a turquoise blue shirt with a skirt my bff TAF got me from Thailand. We were chatting with KKL's soon to be BIL (WA), and he asked us if MVJ had had her first blow-out diaper yet. Yes, yes, we assured him. Right about that time MVJ did the business and then got all smiley. WA was like, yup, that's how I feel after a good poop. We laughed and rushed off to change MVJ. We came to realize that she had gone through: 1 diaper, 1 onesie, 1 pair of tights, 1 pair of bloomers, 1 dress, oh yeah, AND Mommy's shirt! This would normally not be a problem, but I WAS THE READER! And now I had a big poo stain right on my top and a little on my skirt band! That little stinker!! I frantically called my parents to bring a different shirt, but they were already at the Church, and the service was just about to begin. Sooooo... we cleaned it as best we could with a diapey wipe and laughed. What could we do? KKL's program was made like a fan (for that hot summer day she had planned!!), so it did double duty as a fan to dry my shirt!

I don't think anyone noticed, but of course MVJ just had to leave her mark on the day.

In the end, I'm sure this is not the detail KKLA will remember, but I sure will! : ) Blessings to the new A family as they embark on their honeymoon to Sweden today and when things settle down to "normal" married life!

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